Page 3 - Dainfern Valley Issue 4_ 2023
P. 3

What an incredible
                                      Mandela Day we organised               We snapped some photos. Get ready to feel proud
                                                                             because you all played a part in this incredible initia-
                                          on July 18, 2023! Our              tive. Thank you for your generosity and for showing
                                          special initiative to              the true spirit of our community on Mandela Day!
                                             support families in
                                             need was a smashing             The Diepsloot Youth Foundation entertained the au-
                                                                             dience of elderly recipients of food & clothing packs
                                          success, and boy, did              with a short play about us honouring Mandela Day.
                                         our community step up!
                                                                             Each Diepsloot Elder were called up one by one and
                                                                             were assisted with packing their food items into take
                                             e'd picked out 20 families in some   away bags.
                                             tough spots – from a 91-year-old living
                                             alone without support to big families   The Diepsloot Youth Foundation spent their week-
                                  W of seven or more, all unemployed and     end prior to the Mandela Day event sorting donat-
                                  living off granny's Sassa grant. These folks were not   ed shoes and clothing into relevant piles for easy
                                  just struggling, they were in desperate situations,   distribution to those in need, based on gender and
                                  hungry and cold with no income and no jobs.  age of the Elders' families they
                                  So, we sent out a call to you all. We know that you've
                                  got big hearts, and you didn't disappoint! We asked   Each unemployed pensioner
                                  for anything and everything that could help a family   received a food parcel com-
                                  – blankets, non-perishable food, clothes, shoes – and   prised of non-perishable items
                                  you answered.                              and a warm blanket.
                                  We set up tables at the front office where everyone
                                  could drop off their donations. Then our incredible
                                  Diepsloot community coordinator and the Dainfern
                                  Valley Management team sorted everything into
                                  bags. These were no ordinary bags; they were life-
                                  lines filled with hope and kindness.

                                  Our dedicated estate management and security
                                  teams ensured these packages got to the right
                                  places, straight into the arms of those needing them
                                  the most. And the extra donations? The Diepsloot
                                  coordinator ensured those goodies went to other
                                  families who needed a helping hand.
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