Page 37 - Energize January 2021
P. 37


         Figure 2: AMI and the smart grid (S Klimowitz)

        customer class, and DER type. This gives  circuit, the spatial load distribution. As a result, the voltage delivered to a given customer at
        planners a greater ability to assess needs  any given time could vary significantly.
        under varying circuit configurations, the  The utility usually has no way of monitoring delivered voltage without installing special
        possible operational impacts of behind-the-  equipment, and residential consumers have often been relegated to living with whatever
        meter alternatives, and how          voltage levels they received from the utility. Abnormally high or low voltage can be highly
        customer-owned DERs will impact load  problematic for certain types of electrical equipment, adversely impacting operation and
        growth forecasts.                    sometimes dramatically shortening operating life.
           Accurate load shapes can also help  AMI enables the monitoring of voltage at the point of electricity delivery. This allows
        utilities understand the impact time-of-use  proactive identification of areas where voltage levels are chronically out of tolerance, and
        (TOU) rates have on customer bills and  the addressing of those problem areas before customers suffer from equipment malfunction
        behaviour. Without hourly usage data at  or failure. Close voltage monitoring also allows conservation voltage reduction (CVR) to be
        the customer level, the utility does not  applied without the need for additional voltage monitors in the distribution network.
        have a reference for how customers will
        be impacted by and respond to the new  Outage management and grid reliability
        rates. The AMI-generated load shapes can  In a professionally managed grid, a utility should not have to wait for a customer call to
        be used to inform revenue and planning  know that power is out. AMI systems can report loss of voltage to an outage management
        forecasts with more precision.       system (OMS). A well-designed OMS system can group and analyse customer calls using
                                             feeder models which provide information about likely fault locations. This information, in
        Power quality                        turn, is passed along to staff who are working in the field to resolve fault conditions.
        For the residential customer, voltage is the  The increased ability to monitor grid conditions makes it possible to anticipate and mitigate
        key determinant of power quality. Utilities  potential power integrity issues, resulting in fewer outages and power quality events. Smart
        are supposed to deliver electricity to  meters are equipped with a “last gasp” facility, using some form of energy storage, which
        residential consumers within a voltage  allows a power failure message to be sent to the AMI centre in the event of a power failure.
        band of 230 V ±10% during normal       The meter ping function sends a signal to the meter to determine the energised status. It
        operating conditions. The voltage at any  can be used to do on-demand reads of a single meter, to determine if an outage is a
        given point on the distribution system is  customer issue, (i.e., a tripped breaker) or system issue, and can also be used to do a mass
        not a constant, as it varies according to  ping to all the meters, or to meters in a specific given area. This is helpful in identifying
        the amount of cumulative load on the  smaller outages nested within larger outages so that restoration can be verified, improving

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