Page 34 - Energize January 2021
P. 34

         Electricity market prices are lower  Combined with IoT, securely records, stores and shares information about the time of generation/demand, location,
         than the actual total cost of production  type of generation/demand and other aspects to carefully craft price signals to market participants
         Effects of large scale RES integration  Can be used for efficient, automated and decentralized grid management and control. Due to the presence of a
         into the electricity grid     large number of producing and/or consuming entities present in the distribution grid, blockchains can be used to
                                       improve balancing of supply and demand, automated verification of grid assets, improving the visibility of
                                       distributed resources and assets and better coordination between TSO & DSO
         Power resource adequacy       Cryptocurrencies can be used to ‘tokenize’ assets to create innovative and new markets or business models based
                                       on co-ownership and sharing of assets.
         Increased coordination between  Blockchain can achieve efficient, automated and decentralized grid asset management and control, incl. improved
         System Operators (SOs)        balancing of supply and demand between different network levels and network areas

         Integrating Demand Response for  Design smart contracts to engage and reward willing customers to help in DR activity to maintain the grid more
         Ancillary Services            economically.
                                       Blockchains can help discard an incumbent intermediary and unlock a variety of markets for its participants.

         Lack of residential Demand Response  Due to the data integrity and traceability provided by the blockchain technology, the costs, origin and the charges
                                       incurred are made more transparent. This leads to a better-informed consumer and opens up the potential for
                                       incentivizing behavioral change and DR.

         Adequate cross-border power system  Cross border data exchange incurs costs as data flows through multiple intermediaries, adding time delays in
         data exchange                 decision making and potential loss of data. Blockchains can streamline the process by removing intermediaries,
                                       removing delays and maintaining data integrity as data is not transferred but immutably shared.

        Consensus                            sector, dozens of companies are attempting to use blockchain for asset registry, peer-to-
        The blockchain ledger is maintained by  peer trading, grid-level transactions, energy financing, electric vehicle charging and
        the connected parties agreeing to all  renewables tracking.
        changes, that is forming a consensus   A more open and decentralised system is urgently needed, where the grid itself
        regarding changes. This consensus is  becomes the “internet of energy”. A platform based on decentralised control and
        reached when all or most of the peers  “permissionless” innovation, while maintaining the strict reliability and security
        agree on the same state (version) of the  requirements, is essential to such critical infrastructure; a system that adapts to and
        ledger. There is a need for a        enables new technologies and patterns of use, not the other way around. The table below
        predetermined protocol for a distributed  lists some of the potential ways in which blockchain technology can mitigate the current
        network to reach consensus on, including  market shortcomings.
        a transaction, handling some pieces of  There is merit for blockchain in specific marginal use cases where it can optimise
        data, and transferring the ownership.   existing processes. However, blockchain can be integral to a systemic energy solution in
           There are several attempts to use  one way — using the technology to better manage the connection between the physics (the
        different algorithms, such as Proof of Work  electrons) and economics of energy, taking into consideration both the time and location of
        (PoW), Proof of Stake (PoS), Practical  energy within the system. This requires sufficient visibility within the system itself, which can
        Byzantine Fault Tolerance (PBFT), Proof of  only be achieved by embedding the technology into the grid.
        Authority (PFA) and many more, to solve  No current blockchain for energy applications yet take this approach, let alone have the
        the consensus problem. However,      capability to deliver upon it, according to the World Energy Council’s recent blockchain
        difficulty, cost, and validation time are  report. What is needed is a fit-for-purpose solution that is specifically designed to optimise
        their major issues, which all depend on  the energy trilemma and deliver a sustainable energy system for all. This may be an
        the blockchain design.               architecture that inherently balances itself, using decentralised control of energy exchange
                                             enabled by blockchain, or something similar, but the solution must be determined by the
        Potential application of blockchain to  system characteristics, not the other way around.
        energy markets
        Blockchain technology is an elegant  Current blockchain implementations
        protocol enabling people to verify   The CIGRE C5.30 Working Group is just completing its study into operational projects which
        information and transact directly with one  use blockchain in energy power systems. The graph below shows the functional areas
        another in a trust-less environment.  where these projects have used blockchain technology.
        Three important and fundamental
        characteristics of blockchain are security,  Summary
        transparency, and immutability. These  Blockchain technology has the potential to enhance energy markets significantly. However,
        aspects are what make blockchain     current implementations are quite small-scale so there is significant development needed
        technology unique and a potential solution  before any widespread implementation can be a significant disruptive force in this area.  n
        for energy and power applications.
           The absence of a third-party can  Acknowledgment
        result in cost, operational and market  This article was first published in the December 2020 edition of Electra.
        efficiencies. It could be applied to almost
        any market, in theory. In the energy  Send your comments to

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