Page 44 - Energize June 2021
P. 44
dimming, provided other workspaces are related contact tracing. Some retailers are even using LLLC to understand traffic flow in stores
occupied. Once all spaces are vacant, the to optimise sales and send tailored marketing offers based on a customer’s location. 1
lights are turned fully off. LLLC occupancy data streams can be leveraged to track and optimise space utilisation.
Because each fixture is capable Occupancy levels, space utilisation and occupation patterns could be used not only to
of sensing and responding to ambient optimise office space usage but allow optimisation of HVAC systems by estimating cooling
conditions, LLLC systems provide light or heating loads on a time basis. Pairing HVAC data streams with increased spatial and
only where it is needed, saving significant temporal resolution available via LLLC, namely occupancy sensing, could significantly
amounts of energy while maintaining improve HVAC responsiveness which is limited with current stand-alone HVAC sensors.
high levels of occupant comfort. It has The spatial resolution of distributed occupancy sensors on LLLC fixtures is far more
been estimated that 30% to 50% of the precise than present CO 2 sensing for managing ventilation rate. This provides tremendous
available space in a typical office building potential to gauge whether a space is at low risk or high risk for pathogen transmission,
remains unoccupied over the course of a simply based upon occupant density. For example, if facility or community human diagnostic
business day. disease positive test rates were included as an input to the occupancy platform, a reasonable
LLLC systems provide fine-grained estimate could be made of the likelihood that the building population will include an infected
occupancy data which could be used individual at any given point in time.
for more than controlling light levels. An LLLCs have higher real and perceived costs over other control options, which can lead
individual LLLC fixture can transmit data to exclusion of LLLC as an option. The cost of LLLC systems is dropping according to USA
on energy usage and performance metrics, industry survey. Given that cost is often a key factor when installing or retrofitting a building’s
which allow predictive maintenance. LLLC lighting system, additional benefits can often tip the balance and even outweigh the energy
can be used for sensing intruders and savings LLLC offers
notifying security teams and can also have
thermal sensors that can be integrated with Reference
fire and life safety systems to create unique 1. C Wolgamatt: “Trends in lighting controls”, Facility executive, April 2021.
alarm responses. Recently, LLLC sensors
have also been used to support Covid-19 Send your comments to
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