Page 34 - Energize July 2021
P. 34


        Why southern Africa’s interior is an                                      on three sides of the region, which limit the
                                                                                    This is partly due to the large oceans

        ideal place to generate solar energy                                      importation of air contaminants from other

        by Prof. Hartmut Winkler, University of Johannesburg
                                                                                  High altitude
                                                                                  It is not only the contaminants in the air that
        Southern Africa is popularly associated                                   block light, but to a small degree also clean
        with sunshine. Does that make the region                                  air itself. About 20% of incoming photons
                                                                                  from the sun’s vertical beam that could be
        exceptionally suited to solar energy                                      processed by solar panels do not make it all
        generation?                                                               the way to the ground. The percentage gets
                                                                                  even larger as the sun nears the horizon,
                                                                                  when photons are taking a longer path
                                                                                  through the atmosphere.
                ith electricity shortages plaguing all parts of the sub-            This is another reason why latitudes closer
                continent, a plentiful energy source that is becoming             to the poles become ever-less suitable sites
        Wincreasingly affordable to tap into seems like an ideal                  for solar energy generation. The sun there
        solution. Yet the rollout of solar power generating facilities has        never gets close to a point vertically above.
        been slow in the region.                                                  In southern Africa, however, with latitudes
           Most solar power developments in the sub-continent have been in South Africa. But even   between about 15 and 35° south, the sun is
        here, solar farms account for only 2.5% of the total electricity generated. Compare that to   on average closer to the zenith. That makes
        some European countries that don’t have ample sunshine, such as Germany, where solar’s   higher solar energy yields possible.
        share of the total electricity generated rose above 10% last year.          Another advantage is that much of
           So is southern Africa, and in particular its dry interior, really among the world’s best sites   southern Africa is on a plateau between 1000
        for solar energy generation, as is often claimed?                         and 2000 m above sea level. For example,
                                                                                  at 1750 m above sea level, the city of
        Harvesting solar energy                                                   Johannesburg has about 15% less atmosphere
        Sunlight is ultimately a stream of photons. Think of photons as little arrows, each carrying a   above it than a coastal location. It means that
        small quantum of energy. Upon striking a solar panel or some other solar device, the photon   even under the clearest sky conditions sites
        will be annihilated, and a fraction of its energy will be converted to heat or electricity.  on the plateau receive slightly more solar
           To maximise the energy collected by the solar device, you try to intercept as many   photons than coastal sites do.
        photons as you can. To achieve that you position the panel so that it blocks the path of as
        many photons as possible. That happens when the panel directly faces the sun.  Southern Africa – a solar hot spot?
           A panel lying flat on the ground therefore maximises its photon catch when the sun is   All these factors create excellent conditions
        directly overhead. At noon, the sun is closest to overhead in the tropics, so these latitudes   for the generation of solar energy in much
        also generally have the warmest climate.                                  of Southern Africa. Even the coastal, cloud
                                                                                  prone locations have enough sunshine to
        Climate                                                                   match most of the solar power generating
        There is a common misconception that the hottest areas are also most suited for solar power   sites in the northern hemisphere
        generation. But tropical regions often have a lot of cloud as well. Coastal areas also tend to   industrialised countries. And the western
        be more cloud prone, and so some of the warmest cities in southern Africa, such as Durban   interior, with its extremely low cloud cover,
        (eThekwini) in South Africa or Maputo in Mozambique, are not top solar sites.  high altitude and low aerosol concentrations,
           Around the northern and southern edges of the tropics we find regions with some of the   offers some of the best conditions in the
        driest climate, which normally implies less cloud cover. In southern Africa, these arid regions   world for solar energy.
        are the Namib, Kgalagadi and Karoo (semi)deserts and adjacent areas. These experience the   Southern African countries have been
        sun nearly overhead around noon in the summer. Solar devices here can catch more energy in   slow in embracing solar energy. Ten years
        winter by tilting slightly towards the equator.                           ago the cost was still prohibitive, but not
           In southern Africa, solar panels usually perform best if they are tilted 20 to 30° towards   anymore. Many new initiatives are springing
        the north, meaning that they directly face the noon sun during the March and September   up in practically all parts of the region. It is
        equinoxes. Those angles also closely match the inclination angles of a typical domestic roof –   a trend that is set to continue and get even
        so solar panels lying flat on a north-facing roof are often already at their optimal tilt.  stronger.

        Atmosphere                                                                Acknowledgement
        Unlike many of the world’s arid regions, like the Sahara and parts of central Asia, the southern   This article was first published by The
        African dry areas experience comparatively low levels of dust. One result is good long-range   Conversation and is republished here under
        visibility: light is able to move through the atmosphere freely.          the Creative Commons licence.
           Dust, smoke and haze in the atmosphere block part of the sunlight, like clouds do. While
        some of these conditions do occur for limited periods, the atmosphere over southern Africa   Send your comments to
        generally has lower aerosol concentrations than in many other parts of the planet.

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