Page 37 - Energize July 2021
P. 37


        The new 100 MW threshold: The best megawatt

        remains the megawatt not used

        by Barry Bredenkamp, SANEDI

             s the country focuses on improved energy generation                  companies across the country adopt their
             capacity, energy savings must not be forgotten! The South            own generation plants.
        AAfrican energy industry – and indeed the wider business                    Added to that, at the most basic, it is
        community – is celebrating the recent very positive announcement          cheaper to save energy than to generate it.
        by President Ramaphosa on the increased threshold for embedded            Building new generation capacity is a big
        electricity generation for private companies, up from just 1 MW to        investment, regardless of the energy source.
        100 MW. However, while companies start investigating their self-          While it will be exciting to see the small-scale
        generation options, it is vital that we do not forget our impact  on      embedded generation projects popping up
        “the other (demand) side of the meter”.                                   in the coming months and years, there are
           The International Energy Agency still regards energy efficiency        additional cost and environmental savings to
        as the “first fuel”, and we should strive to save every possible   Barry Bredenkamp  be gained by including energy efficiency in
        kWh before adding new generating capacity, whether it be from             the overall mix. Regardless of how and where
        renewable sources or not. Companies must prioritise energy savings, not just self-generation.   power is generated, someone still pays
           While I agree that the new 100 MW threshold is great news for the stability of supply and our   for the megawatt consumed, whereas the
        economic potential, I would like to see every installation targeting a baseline load of 110 MW. You   avoided megawatt is “free”. In my opinion,
        might wonder why I would suggest this when the new threshold is 100 MW. My take is that there   the best megawatt is still definitely the
        is at least 10% energy savings potential on the demand side of the meter at virtually all proposed   megawatt not used.
        installations that should be investigated and optimised, before adding additional supply-side capacity.   Alternative energy solutions are
           The more energy (consumption) we can avoid or save, the smaller the size of the load   understandably a priority in South Africa,
        required to operate those end-use technologies. Therefore, we urge project developers not to lose   with our ageing electrical infrastructure
        focus on first exploring the energy efficiency potential, by setting an internal target to save 10 MW   and threatened energy security. Giving
        of electricity for every 100 MW of renewable power generation capacity installed, in this new and   companies the opportunity to generate
        exciting journey in the South African energy landscape.                   their own power is sure to assist with our
           Businesses are now empowered to generate their own electricity with limited   country’s economic recovery plan. However,
        administrative bureaucracy. If companies can install and operate their own energy   I implore these companies to not forget
        infrastructure to cater for their own needs, without having to apply for licences from the   about the other side of the green coin.
        National Energy Regulator of South Africa (Nersa), why worry about energy savings? Well, aside   Energy efficiency should still be the first step
        from the substantial financial investment required for self-generation installations, all new   towards energy security!
        build projects come with an environmental cost. Even renewable and clean energy projects
        come with a carbon footprint. If you consider the manufacture and transport of every piece of   Send your comments to
        equipment and component required for a solar farm, you can see how this might add up when

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