Page 42 - Energize July 2021
P. 42


        The economy (ECO) mode UPS system
        The ECO solution is an attempt at combining the higher efficiency
        of the line interactive version while maintaining the full functionality
        of the double conversion system. ECO mode involves modifying
        the DC topology as shown in Figure 5.

        Figure 5: ECO mode topology.
                                                               Figure 6: Output voltage waveforms standard ECO vs. Advanced ECO
        In the ECO system the DC topology is used, but the inverter is   (Schneider).
        switched off (i.e., in standby mode) and the load is supplied directly
        from the incoming supply. Under power failure or supply disturbance   reduction in disruption that any connected loads would be exposed
        conditions, the inverter is turned on and the load is supplied by the   to in the event of a power failure.
        UPS. The main benefit of ECO mode is the increased efficiency of   Advanced ECO mode can offer other advantages over standard
        the bypass line, which typically runs at 98% to 99% compared to   ECO mode. DC UPSs operating in online mode have the ability
        standard online UPS efficiency of 93% to 97%. 2        to act as filters for harmonic currents generated by the loads
           The difference, of anywhere between 2% to 5%, has the   which have a great impact where the supply comes from standby
        potential to deliver significant savings, particularly in a large-scale   generators. In principle, this harmonic filtering function could filter
        facility, where even a 1% improvement in efficiency could equate to   harmonics to nearly the same level and quality as the filtering
        tens or even hundreds or thousands a year in lower energy costs.  provided by a double-conversion UPS.
           The main problems with ECO mode are firstly the transition   While advanced ECO mode offers advantages over standard
        time for changeover to the inverter, which includes start-up time   ECO mode, it does come with a trade-off. Since the inverter circuit
        for the inverter, and secondly the fact that no power conditioning   is active, the overall efficiency of the UPS is less than it would be if
        of either the supply or the load is possible. If there is a utility power   it operated in standard eco-mode. The difference is in the 0,5% to
        failure when the inverter is in standby, then both the UPS’s output   1,0% range typically. While advanced ECO mode efficiency is less
        voltage and current waveforms will be negatively affected. It takes   than standard ECO mode, it is still better than traditional online mode.
        time for the UPS to detect the failure, turn on the inverter and
        supply clean power to the load from the batteries. This transfer   Multi-mode UPS systems
        time allows the input disruption to briefly reach the output of the   The multimode UPS offers the advantages of the DC topology
        UPS. ECO mode is only recommended on sites where the utility   in handling disturbances and power conditioning, as well as
        supply is relatively stable, and the load generates low harmonics   the efficiency advantages of the ECO mode. The operation is
        so is not sensitive to any mains interference.         illustrated in Figure 7.

        ECO Plus system or advanced ECO mode
        High-efficiency operational modes that go beyond eco-mode
        have been developed. In the advanced eco-mode, the inverter
        is operational but carrying no load. This allows faster transfer of
        load to the inverter, but more importantly, allows the inverter to
        act as a harmonic and disturbance filter on the input to the load.
        In advanced eco-mode, the primary power path during normal
        operation is through the bypass path, the same as eco-mode.
        But with advanced mode, the inverter remains active, operating in
        parallel with the input without actually handling the load current.
        Since the inverter is already active it can more seamlessly take over
        the supply to the output where there is a supply failure.
           Figure 6 shows a comparison of the output voltage waveforms
        of standard and advanced eco-modes. It clearly shows the   Figure 7: Multimode UPS operation.

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