Page 43 - Energize July 2021
P. 43


        •   Dynamic high efficiency mode. The rectifier is switched off in
           this mode.
        •   High efficiency mode. Supply is switched through directly to the
           load. The inverter module is switched on, but harmonic distortion
           correction is not operative.
        •   Normal mode. In normal mode the supply is switched through
           directly to the load and the activated inverter module corrects
           current harmonic distortion from the load. High efficiency mode
           of operation.
        •   Disturbance mode. If any disturbance is detected on the incoming   Figure 8: Comparison of right-sized and oversized UPS (Schneider).
           supply, the UPs switches to DC mode, and “clean” quality power
           is supplied via the converter/inverter combination. In this mode   Multiple modular control
           losses occur through both the inverter and converter.  The modularity principal can be further extended for UPS systems
        •   Supply failure mode. Upon failure of the supply the inverter   with variable loads. Most modular systems are designed for equal
           supplies power to the load using the battery as an input supply.   load sharing, where each module will carry the same load. The
           Load losses in the inverter are incurred.           problem that arises here is that with varying loads, the modules
                                                               will not always be operating at the highest capacity, and with load
        The multimode inverter mode achieves a higher efficiency than   sharing, efficiency drops as the load decreases. This is compounded
        the DC mode while retaining the power quality properties of the   with N+n redundancy, where even at full load, the individual modules
        DC mode.                                               are operating at less than full load.
                                                                  An innovative approach to this problem is to control the system so
        Modularity                                             that only the number of modules required to carry the load at full load
        Efficiency improvements can be achieved by making use of modular   are in service, and the remaining modules are in hot standby mode.
        UPS configurations which boost scalability as well as redundancy.   This would ensure that even at very low loads, the unit is operating
        Efficiency losses often occur due to oversized and redundant   close to maximum efficiency. This is illustrated in Figure 9 which
        systems and multi-module approaches can reduce this. A modular   shows how modular management can be applied to a system of three
        approach allows flexibility in the growth of the UPS and also allows   full systems versus the modular approach of three modular systems.
        for better efficiency, as the UPS can be sized to match the maximum   Multi-module control can be implemented on individual multi-
        anticipated load on installation and extended in modules to match   module UPS systems so that in each system only the required
        increased growth.                                      number of modules is used. This gives a high granularity in control
           Matching modules with the load allows operation at a   and allows the maximum efficiency principle to be applied down to a
        higher utilisation point, and gives a further advantage when N+1   very low load level.                 n
        redundancy is used, as a single module can be used for redundancy.
        This is illustrated in Figure 8. Configuration “A” is a scalable on-line   References
        UPS that is right-sized with two modules that can carry 40% of   1.  R Sawyer: “Making large UPS systems more efficient”, Schneider
                                                                  white paper 108.
        the maximum capacity. Configuration “B” is the same exact UPS
                                                               2.  J Samstead: “Technical comparison of on-line vs. line-interactive
        but sized to the maximum capacity with five modules. The graph
                                                                  UPS designs”, Schneider white paper 79.
        illustrates the two points on the curve where this comparison takes   3.  Active power white paper: “High efficiency UPS systems for a power-
        place (75% load and 30% load for configuration A & B respectively).   hungry world”, Active power, 2011.
        These two points correspond to efficiencies of 96,9% and 94,9%
        respectively.                                          Send your comments to

        Figure 9: Multi-module control.

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