Page 47 - Energize July 2021
P. 47


        Diesel particulate filter (DPF)
        One of the major combustion by-products of burning diesel is soot.
        Soot comprises impure carbon particles resulting from the incomplete
        combustion of diesel. A DPF is a device designed to remove soot from
        diesel engine exhaust gases.
           DPFs operate by trapping soot particles from the engine exhaust,
        preventing them from reaching the environment. Unlike catalytic
        converters which are designed to reduce gas-phase emissions flowing
        through the catalyst, the particulate filter is designed to trap and retain
        the solid particles, until the particles can be oxidised or burned in the
        DPF itself, through a process called regeneration.
           The most common DPFs in widespread use are cellular ceramic
        honeycomb filters with channels that are plugged at alternating ends.
        The ends of the filter, plugged in a checkerboard pattern, force the
        soot-containing exhaust to flow through the porous filter walls. While
        the exhaust gas can flow through the walls, the soot particles are
                                                               Figure 4: Diesel oxidation catalyst
        trapped within the filter pores and in a layer on top of the channel
        walls. Soot particles are captured and retained in the DPF through
        a combination of depth filtration inside the filter pores and surface   Since these high temperatures generally do not occur in the exhaust
        filtration along the channel walls. Given the small pore size and   / DPF during normal engine operation, several strategies are used to
        design of the honeycomb filters, DPFs can achieve a particle trapping   actively increase the exhaust temperature.
        efficiency of 99% or greater.                             Active regeneration systems may include the use of a diesel
           The honeycomb design provides a large filtration area while   burner to directly heat the exhaust entering the DPF or the use
        minimising pressure losses, and has become the standard, so-called   of a diesel oxidation catalyst (DOC) to oxidise diesel fuel over the
        wall-flow filter for most diesel exhaust filtration applications. Ceramic   catalyst as a means for increasing the DPF temperature. Use of the
        materials are widely used for particulate filters, given their good thermal   DOC also requires excess diesel fuel in the exhaust, which may be
        durability, with the most common ceramic materials being cordierite,   accomplished through a fuel injector (hydrocarbon doser) mounted
        silicon carbide, and aluminium titanate.               in the exhaust upstream of the DOC, or through late in-cylinder post
                                                               injection strategies.
        Regeneration                                              Other forms of active regeneration include the use of electrical
        However, over time the trapped soot accumulated in the filter, if not   heating elements, microwaves, or plasma burners. The use of a DOC
        removed, increases backpressure. High backpressure caused by   in combination with some form of exhaust fuel dosing is, however, the
        overloading the DPF can compromise engine performance, increase   most common active regeneration strategy currently used for on- and
        fuel consumption and eventually lead to DPF failure. To prevent this,   off-highway applications.
        the DPF must periodically be regenerated to remove soot through a   Passive regeneration, as the name implies, does not require
        process that burns off (oxidises) the soot.            additional energy to carry out the regeneration process. Instead, this
           There are two broad categories of the regeneration processes,   strategy relies on the oxidation of soot in the presence of NO₂, which
        (1) active and (2) passive, although most commercial applications use   can occur at much lower temperatures. In order to achieve this, a
        some combination of the two.                           passive system uses a catalyst, which contains precious metals like
           Active regeneration requires the addition of heat to the exhaust to   platinum, to covert NO in the exhaust to NO₂, which reduces the
        increase the temperature of the soot to the point at which it will oxidise   ignition temperature of the soot below 550°C in order to start the
        in the presence of excess oxygen in the exhaust. The combustion of   regeneration process.
        soot in oxygen typically requires temperatures in excess of 550°C.   In some cases, the catalyst coating is applied directly to the DPF,
                                                               or an upstream oxidation catalyst may also be used. Many commercial
                                                               systems utilise a combination of a DOC and Catalysed DPF (C-DPF).

                                                               Catalytic converters
                                                               Diesel oxidation catalyst
                                                               CO, as well as gas and liquid-phase HC emissions, result from the
                                                               incomplete combustion of diesel. Diesel oxidation catalysts (DOCs) -
                                                               historically the first type of diesel catalyst - are highly effective devices
                                                               that reduce these emissions by 80% or more from diesel.
                                                                  In most applications, a DOC consists of a stainless-steel canister
                                                               that contains a honeycomb structure called a substrate, which is
                                                               made up of thousands of small channels. Each channel is coated
                                                               with a highly porous layer containing precious metal catalysts such as
                                                               platinum or palladium. As exhaust gas travels down the channel, CO
                                                               and HCs react with oxygen within the porous catalyst layer to form CO₂
                                                               and water vapour.
                                                                  The DOC also protects the DPF. Hydrocarbon liquids or vapour can
                                                               interfere with the DPF’s ability to trap and remove particulate matter, so
                                                               engine manufacturers often route the exhaust through the DOC first,
        Figure 3: Diesel particulate filter                    then into the DPF.

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