Page 51 - Energize July 2021
P. 51


        and in some cases a dummy resistive load is added to the set to   permanent magnet alternators, which are smaller and lighter than
        ensure that the load never falls below this lower limit, a move which   the synchronous alternator used in the fixed speed version.
        affects the overall efficiency at low loads. Both load limits and   There are a number of variable speed mobile power units
        engine efficiency serve to restrict engine flexibility and limit hybrid   available on the market, operating in the speed range of 900 to
        operability. 3                                         2000 rpm. Most units are in the low power range, i.e., below 5MVA.
           To achieve low or partial loading, conventional fixed speed diesel   Separating the inverter from the diesel generator set also allows
        technologies must rely on prescribed purge routines, which serve   multiple units to be connected to a DC bus which feeds a separate
        to increase emissions intensity and fuel consumption. Fixed speed   suite of inverter units. This has application in marine power.
        constraint remains the primary barrier to increased engine flexibility
        and improved partial load efficiency. A solution to the problem lies   Hybrid diesel/battery generator sets
        in the fact that the power output of a diesel engine can be varied by   Hybrid DG/battery sets are finding a number of applications in an
        varying the speed as shown in Figure 4.                ever-expanding market. Although such combinations have been
           To use this approach requires decoupling the output of the   in use for many years, older versions used separate charger/
        generator from the output of the engine. In the past this has been   converters for the battery storage unit. The use of a DC stage in
        impractical and expensive, but the availability of power electronic   the VSDG offers the possibility of adding energy storage within
        devices and the proliferation of high-power inverter systems,   the diesel generator system to provide a mobile hybrid power
        used with variable RE sources have made this both possible and   system, using a common inverter output. There are a number of
        economical. The basic structure of a variable speed DG set (VSDG)   hybrid system types, but all use the basic configuration shown in
        is shown in Figure 5.                                  Figure 6.
           The VSDG consists of an alternator which produces a
        variable frequency output, rectified to feed a DC bus. This is fed
        to the inverter stage, which produces an output at the required
        voltage and frequency. The inverter may be a grid-forming
        inverter or a grid dependant type, subject to the application.
        Where the diesel generator set is the sole source of power, a grid
        forming inverter will be used. This configuration also makes it
        possible to use alternator types which are more suited to variable
        speed operation.
           The alternator used with the VS system can differ considerably
        from that used for fixed speed operation. The AC output is rectified
        to DC and therefore the waveform and frequency are not as
        important as for the fixed speed case. A common approach is to use
                                                               Figure 6:Hybrid VSDG set

        Figure 4: Diesel engine power output vs speed 5

        Figure 5: Variable speed DG set                        Figure 7: A typical mobile DG/Battery hybrid (GL Hybrid)

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