Page 50 - Energize July 2021
P. 50


                                                               including combustion control and post combustion treatment. A
                                                               method often used with it is exhaust gas recirculation, which sends
                                                               part of the exhaust gases back into the combustion chamber.
                                                               This lowers the adiabatic flame temperature, allowing for lower-
                                                               temperature combustion and thus lower NOx production. Selective
                                                               catalytic reduction (SCR) has been successfully used on new diesel
                                                               gensets to reduce NOx emissions by as much as 95%.

        Figure 1: High pressure common rail fuel injection system (Cummins)

        Electronic engine controls
        Sophisticated technology requires more elaborate controls, so
        traditional analogue systems are giving way to advanced digital
        control systems. Digital controls are essential for the newest   Figure 2: A combination of after treatment technologies (Cummins)
        gensets which rely on HPCR fuel systems and precise control
        of ignition and combustion. Many of the parameters previously   Operational developments
        measured only during routine tests are now permanently monitored   In addition to improvements to the basic diesel generator set, there
        and recorded. This enables a dynamic record to be kept, showing   have been a number of operational improvements which expand the
        trends which can be uploaded, identified, and analysed. Modern   flexibility and scope of operation of the unit.
        diesel generator sets will have an array of sensors and monitors
        covering all operational parameters.                   Variable speed diesel generator sets
           Another advantage is that digital controls can monitor the real-  Many diesel generator (DG) applications require a daily cycle which
        time state of a wide variety of operating parameters and display   calls for operation at low loads for extended periods, while delivering
        them on a centralised panel, as opposed to analogue systems which   the maximum load during other times. Typical applications would be
        rely on less-sophisticated alarms and indicator lights, as well as   PV/DG hybrids, construction sites, remote lodges and clinics. Diesel
        manual recording. Digital systems allow operators to identify and   generation is a logical partner for renewable generation, given the
        correct faults much more quickly, leading to more reliable power and   technology is often pre-existing and dispatchable. However, while
        less downtime. They also allow for remote monitoring and operation   the DG is easily scheduled to parallel with renewable generation
        (though proper cybersecurity is necessary), another advantage for   in a hybrid system, operating characteristics constrain partial load
        gensets which might be located in remote areas. Remote operation   approaches.
        and monitoring expand the possibilities of diesel generator sets.  The classical DG, where the alternator is connected directly to
                                                               the generator, is designed to run at a fixed speed to maintain voltage
        Fuel flexibility                                       and frequency. When running at a fixed speed, engine efficiency
        An advantage of diesel generator sets is the ready availability of   decreases at low loads. This is understandable, as the internal
        diesel or heavy fuel oil, and the ability to run on a wide variety of   losses are constant at a fixed speed. Figure 3 shows the variation of
        fossil and renewable fuels, including refined vegetable oil, biodiesel,   specific fuel consumption with varying load for a typical DG.
        depolymerised plastic and a variety of other natural and synthetic   This increases both emissions intensity and fuel consumption.
        fuels such as dimethyl ether. Other future possible fuels include   Running a fixed speed DG at low load can also damage the engine
        hydrogen, or a hydrogen carrier such as ammonia. There are four   and requires more frequent maintenance. For this reason, an engine
        alternative fuels which could be used in conventional compression   loading of less than 30% of the rating is generally prohibited,
        ignition engines (CIE): vegetable oil, biodiesel, Fischer-Tropsch (F-T)
        diesel, and dimethyl ether (DME). Vegetable oils, such as palm,
        soybean, sunflower, peanut, and olive, can be used as alternative
        fuels for diesel engines. Both F-T and DME can be manufactured
        from natural gas and are therefore not limited by feedstock availability.

        Emission controls
        Emission control measures are being increasingly applied to
        stationary diesel generator sets, whether for standby or continuous
        operation. Industry has responded with a number of solutions,   Figure 3: Variation of SFC with load for a typical DG set (Varipower)

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