Page 36 - Energize July 2021
P. 36


        How to control electricity consumption and costs

        by Colin Openshaw, Recharger Prepaid Meters
           outh Africans are in for a steep rise in the price of electricity, with approved utility tariff
           increases of over 15% set for the 2021/2022 financial year. However, there are ways for
        Sconsumers, both commercial as well as individuals, to try to minimise and control costs.

        Better monitoring and control through prepaid electricity sub-meters
        This rise in the price of electricity, together with the fact that many
        office workers are still working remotely, means that this is an
        excellent time to start reducing electricity consumption - for both
        the office as well as the home office. A prepaid electricity sub-meter
        can assist with this, particularly important as we move into the
        cooler, darker autumn and winter months.
           A prepaid electricity sub-meter is a device that helps the user
        control and regulate the usage of electricity. It works much like
        a prepaid cellphone, whereby users pay upfront before using it,
        thus assisting with the measurement, monitoring, and planning of
        electricity consumption. This eliminates the headache of the landlord,   Colin Openshaw
        for instance, receiving – and of course being liable for – a large,
        unexpected monthly bill after consumption has already taken place.     Tokens are also available at most banks, and petrol
                                                                               stations. Alternatively, they can be purchased
        Benefits of buying electricity units at the right time                 online from the Recharger Pay Portal or PayCity,
        It is useful for the owners and users of prepaid electricity sub-meters to understand that the best   as well as from mobile vendors using Flash and
        time to top up electricity is on the first of the month. This is due to the utilities provider’s Inclining   Kazang.
        Block Tariff system. This means that units of electricity are split into different blocks.   As a leading supplier of prepaid electricity
           The first block of electricity is at the lowest price. As customers purchase more electricity during   sub-meters, tokens and token vending solutions,
        the month, the electricity bought will eventually fall into block two, which is more expensive. At the   Recharger was proud to accept a prestigious
        end of the month, the history is reset, and the customer will again start the next month from block   industry award recently, following on from an
        one. Best practice advice, therefore, is to buy what is needed at the beginning of each month.  annual national survey on prepaid electricity meter
                                                                               suppliers in South Africa. We believe that our focus
        Benefits for building owners and managers plus utilities providers     on service delivery and customer support – proving
        In parts of the world, the demand for utility sub-metering in commercial buildings is on the rise   that we are a partner you can trust in a truly end-
        because of the noted benefits for property managers and building owners. Electricity sub-meters   to-end fashion – is what ultimately placed us ahead
        allow property managers the ability to measure electricity consumption in individual spaces,   of formidable competition.
        departments, common areas, equipment, and other key loads, providing accurate data on when and   A recent legislative change in New York City,
        how the electricity is being consumed.                                 which requires all commercial buildings larger than
           Precise consumption data from revenue grade utility meters allows property managers to   50 000 square feet to contain submeters, points to
        manage the energy of key loads or circuit level loads, and track and optimise energy usage with real-  the important role that electricity sub-metering can
        time reporting. In turn, this leads to property managers being able to bill their tenants fairly for their   play in the administration and management of the
        consumption. Ultimately, this leads to more efficient building management, with a better return on   electricity consumption in a commercial building.
        investment spend.                                                         The installation of an electricity prepaid sub-
           In addition, sub-metering helps utilities providers – rather than a sometimes-held misconception   meter brings real commercial advantages to the
        that it takes money away from them – because it ensures that billing takes place and revenues are   owners and managers of commercial buildings, as
        collected, by having the electricity units paid for in advance. Also, prepaid electricity sub-metering   well as the utilities provider in turn.
        can help utilities by reducing wastage.
           This is partly because the granular reporting data allows for consumption to be bought as   About recharger prepaid meters:
        required and not over-supplied, and because, when building owners charge flat utility fees, those   Recharger is South Africa’s leading supplier
        who are renting are less likely to conserve energy. Conversely, prepaid metering, where the   of prepaid electricity sub-meters, tokens and
        consumption is more transparent in real time, encourages electricity conservation. The reduction of   token vending solutions. More than 200 000
        unnecessary electricity consumption is obviously a key issue for South Africa at this time.  Recharger meters have been installed for both
                                                                               local and international commercial, industrial,
        Acquisition and installation                                           and residential clients, across any sector requiring
        The arena of prepaid electrical sub-meters is well-regulated and controlled and there are certain   utility management – ideal for property owners,
        recommended steps to be taken in acquiring and installing a prepaid electricity sub-meter:  contractors and tenants wanting to manage energy
        •  Easy to buy a meter: Recharger has a national presence through several outlets, including Takealot.  consumption more efficiently.
        •  Installing and activating: A registered electrician must install the meter. Once the registration   With a comprehensive range of meters,
           form is completed and sent to Recharger with the necessary documents, it will be processed,   including three- and single-phase, split, wired and
           and an SMS sent to notify users that the meter is activated.        wireless options, Recharger’s prepaid metering
        •  Registering the meter: The registration forms are included with each meter and one form can   solutions are of international standard, as well
           be used for multiple meters. The completed registration form can be sent back to Recharger via   as being Standard Transfer Specification (STS)
           WhatsApp, fax, or e-mail.                                           compliant. Recharger is also proud to be the only
        •  Recharging: Use the unique number on each card that comes with a meter to buy prepaid   organisation of its type to offer a lifetime warranty
           electricity tokens from a variety of online and mobile vendors, retail stores, banks, and petrol   on certain products.
           stations. A credit token with a 20-digit number will be received, which may be entered on the
           meter keypad.                                                       Contact Shaun Clarke, Recharger Prepaid Meters,
        •  Purchasing prepaid electricity tokens: Recharger prepaid electricity tokens can be purchased   Tel: 087 158-4800,,
           countrywide from numerous retail outlets.                 

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