Page 18 - Energize October 2021
P. 18


        New Southern African dealers appointed

        Regional distribution network in Southern Africa boosted
        from six to 12 as Cummins continues to expand its dealer
        network model

            onsistent with its strategic vision of   of inherent agility due to being involved
            innovating for customers to power   with our customers at ground level,” adds
       Ctheir success, Cummins is constantly   Njoroge. “From a Cummins perspective, we
        looking for new ways to serve its customer   are here to provide power solutions that
        base. Therefore, it has implemented the   empower our customers’ success.”
        Dealer model in Angola, Mozambique and   All the new partners have been provided
        Zimbabwe, with six new dealers appointed   with the necessary training to familiarise
        as a result.                         them with Cummins’ processes and
           “We are committed to serving our   procedures. Parts availability and technical
        customer base in the Southern African region   training are critical elements of Cummins’   Racheal Njoroge
        through our new channel partners, giving   superior service, which the Dealer will
        them the capability to provide end-of-mile   continue to provide, in addition to escalated   region,” highlights Ndzana.
        support,” explains Racheal Njoroge, MD of   support being available from the Cummins   The Southern Africa region is serviced
        Cummins South Africa. Cummins utilises this   technical team. “This allows for a smooth   by the Regional Distribution Centre (RDC) in
        partnership model globally, with thousands   transition in terms of customer support,”   Johannesburg, which oversees the supply
        of Dealers appointed around the world,   stresses Njoroge.                chain for the entire Dealer network, from
        “hence it is not something new we are   Two local Dealers have been appointed   parts to filtration and whole goods (engines
        introducing to the region.”          for each of the three countries to ensure   and gensets). In addition, the Master Rebuild
           “We are thrilled to welcome all our   that Cummins has an extensive and flexible   Centre is a critical pillar of Cummins’ 24/7
        new partners to the Cummins Distribution   network suited for local market requirements   support and back-up operation for the
        Business, which spans over 190 countries   and will allow for future growth. Mining   mining industry, reinforced by the training
        globally,” comments Patrice Ndzana, General   and power generation remain the biggest   centre which ensures that all Cummins
        Manager: Cross Border Business Southern   growth markets for Cummins in the region,   technicians are fully trained and up to date
        Africa. “The focus is to ensure that efficient   followed by marine, oil & gas, construction   with the latest technology.
        and reliable product supply and support is   and automotive. “Such diversification has   In terms of the global disruption due
        offered to our customers while extending our   stood us in good stead in the Southern Africa   to Covid-19, Ndzana says that Cummins is
        footprint, enabling territory coverage and   region, where our strategy has been to   conducting extensive demand planning.
        capable networks.”                   continue to service our customers, despite   “Essentially, we are investing ahead of
           Cummins’ main path to market      any prevailing volatility or uncertainty in the   demand to ensure we have adequate
        is through its distribution
        channels, fully or wholly
        owned entities, joint venture
        partnerships, independent
        distributors, or Dealers. “In   POWER WHEN
        terms of these three countries,
        we are now transitioning to     AND WHERE YOU
        that Dealer support model,”
        highlights Njoroge. From a      NEED IT DURING
        footprint perspective, Cummins   OUTAGES
        is not reducing its coverage as a
        result. “It is very important for   Backup power from 17 - 550 kVA
        our customers to understand     available to support your business
        that we are not exiting these   during outages.
           The benefits of appointing
        dealers compared to having a
        brick-and-mortar presence in-
        country is the added flexibility it
        affords Cummins in responding
        to customer requirements.                                                                  CUMMINS SOUTH AFRICA
        “These entities are highly                                                                 LOUIS FOURIE  - 083 415 3851
                                                                                                   ALEX LUBINI - 072 630 7600
        entrepreneurial and have a lot                                                             Landline: +27 11 451 3400

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