Page 22 - Energize October 2021
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Engineering firm invests in the next generation of engineers
‘Next Engineers’ programme aims to increase the diversity of young people in engineering
and reach 3,500 local students
eneral Electric (GE) has announced a five-year, US$2,5 million investment in Johannesburg Next Engineers is a programme of
to launch Next Engineers, a global initiative focused on increasing the diversity of young the GE Foundation, an independent
Gpeople in engineering. GE selected Johannesburg as one of four inaugural locations, charitable organisation funded by
aiming to inspire more than 3500 local students aged between 13 and 18 in Grades eight to GE. The Johannesburg cohort of Next
twelve, provide first-hand experiences in engineering, and award financial support to pursue Engineers will begin in January 2022 and
further education in engineering. will offer three age-dependent inspiring
GE is partnering with PROTEC, a South African non-profit organisation that empowers local programmes to engage students on their
students to pursue and grow in STEM-based careers, to implement Next Engineers locally. paths to engineering studies:
Earlier this year, GE committed up to $100 million to launch Next Engineers. Over the next • Engineering Discovery: Students
decade, the goal is to reach more than 85 000 students across 25 locations globally. GE has aged 13 to 14 in Grade eight will be
been operating in the African market for more than 123 years, with Johannesburg being the first provided with multiple, short, one-hour
overseas office outside the USA. GE rises to the challenge of building a world that works through exploratory experiences, and hands-on
its expertise and innovation in healthcare, aviation, and power – contributing to key sectors of activities connecting students to real
South Africa’s economy. engineers to increase awareness of
Nyimpini Mabunda, GE South Africa’s CEO, says: “Our growing global economy will require engineering as a viable career. Sessions
more engineers to solve society’s most pressing challenges – from sustainable flight to quality will be delivered by volunteers both in
healthcare and clean energy. Next Engineers allows us to expose students to the world of the classroom and in the community.
engineering at a young age through invaluable hands-on learning experiences. Next Engineers will • Engineering Camp: Students aged
not only provide a platform for Johannesburg’s young people from different backgrounds to bring 14 to 15 in Grade nine will develop
their unique perspectives to engineering but also empower them to foster the skills needed to engineering identities through a
build a world of the future that works. We recognise that for us to make a sustainable impact, we week-long immersive camp experience
must be deliberate in our efforts to support social change.” during school holidays. Students will
Balan Moodley, PROTEC’s CEO, comments: “We are thrilled to be working alongside the interact with experienced engineering
GE Foundation as the lead partner for its Next Engineers initiative in Johannesburg. It will faculty and staff, complete design
transform the lives of so many within the programme, and of course, across the world, and we challenges solving real-world problems,
are excited to be a part of it. With an initiative like this, we aim to contribute towards changing and interact directly with professional
the future of engineering.” engineers and business leaders.
• Engineering Academy: Students aged
15 to 18 in Grades ten to twelve
will enter a three-year further
education readiness programme
to guide and encourage them to
pursue an engineering career path.
The Engineering Academy will teach
students to learn, think and act like
engineers. This will provide 80 hours
per year of out-of-school coaching,
including longer challenges, a
final year project, career coaching
to expose students to different
engineering pathways and further
education-readiness workshops.
Students accepted onto engineering
apprenticeships or engineering degrees
will also receive a funding contribution
from the GE Foundation.
Next Engineers will begin accepting
applications for the Engineering Academy
in January 2022. Students, teachers,
and the community can obtain updates
and more information on
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