Page 17 - Energize November 2021
P. 17


        Plant performance optimisation with                                 to improvements made to the design of transfer
                                                                            chutes that was replaced; a cable festoon was also
        condition-based maintenance solutions                               replaced with an energy chain.
                                                                               Although thyssenkrupp is the original
                                                                            equipment manufacturer (OEM) of these two
                 hile there can be no argument against the crucial role that   shiploaders, it does not mean the company’s
                 maintenance plays in optimizing your plant’s overall performance,   expertise and capabilities are limited to its own
       Wadopting the correct maintenance strategy is equally important.     equipment. In fact, thyssenkrupp is close to
        Although preventative and corrective maintenance can add value, they also have   completing a condition-based refurbishment
        limitations: Preventative maintenance favours your maintenance team by enabling   project on a Stacker/Reclaimer that was
        the advanced planning of maintenance activities. But it could also lead to over-  manufactured by a third party.
        maintenance, placing a burden on labour and maintenance costs. Corrective   De Villiers attributes several factors to the
        maintenance is not ideal in a high-performance production environment where   success of thyssenkrupp’s condition-based
        machine availability is crucial, more specifically where capital outlay for spares and   refurbishments. “Firstly, our highly skilled
        redundancy are restricted.                                          team of design and field service engineers and
           “The solution is therefore to extract the best of both through a condition-  experienced project manager work alongside
        based maintenance strategy that combines the advantages of preventative and   our customers, combining all the findings and
        corrective maintenance into a win-win solution,” says Francois de Villiers, Area   reports in a working document. This forms the
        Manager – Western Cape and Namibia, at thyssenkrupp Industrial Solutions. “The   backbone of our condition-based maintenance
        implementation of a condition-based maintenance strategy will help to avoid   strategy. Secondly, the end-user experience and
        potential conflict between your Production and Maintenance Engineering teams   practical, hands-on involvement must never be
        by aligning the teams’ respective scope of work.” De Villiers also points out that a   underestimated. Subsequently, we always liaise
        condition-based maintenance approach will also help to cultivate a healthy culture   with the customer’s maintenance team and
        within your organisation.                                           consult breakdown reports when the scope of
           thyssenkrupp Industrial Solutions, as a market leader and employer of choice for   work is defined.”
        materials handling equipment in the mining industry, has been expertly supporting   “Also playing a key role in our successful
        customers with condition-based maintenance solutions over the past decade. The   deployment of our condition-based
        company recently successfully completed a mid-life refurbishment on two 10 000   refurbishments is the expertise of our highly
        ton/hour shiploaders operating at Saldanha Bay that has extended the life of these   accomplished team and their in-depth pool of
        almost 20-years-old machines by a further ten years.                knowledge,” affirms De Villiers. “This enables us
           According to De Villiers, owing to the extreme environmental conditions on   to assist customers irrespective of the size of their
        the quay where the shiploaders are in operation, extensive structural repairs were   maintenance or refurbishment requirements.
        done together with the application of a 3-coat corrosion protection. Unpacking   Moreover, as many of our design engineers
        the scope of work, De Villiers explains that all the mechanical drives on the shuttle   have been involved in the initial design and
        inside the boom, on the slew system and the travel bogies were replaced as well   manufacture of our machines, they are equipped
        as the respective Variable Speed Drives (VSDs) as these items were obsolete with   with the necessary know-how and skill sets to
        limited support from the manufacturers. The latest technology safety sensors   implement new improvements and upgrades
        were implemented to ensure a safe environment for personnel and equipment. No   during refurbishments.
        limitations were put to the scope or detail thyssenkrupp executed, from Software   The involvement of thyssenkrupp’s field
        upgrades to the machine’s control system to replacing the hydraulic luffing cylinders   service engineers in the complete value chain
        on the main boom and the cooling systems for the main conveyor belt gearboxes.   of condition-based refurbishments ensures that
        Consultation with the end-user maintenance team prior to the refurbishment lead   realistic schedules as well as detailed method
                                                                            statements are prepared to ease planning for site
                                                                            activities and to mitigate risk during maintenance.
                                                                               “And finally, we believe in strong teamwork
                                                                            between customer and contractor, and we are
                                                                            flexible to the structure- and responsibility-
                                                                            split that the customer is comfortable with i.e.,
                                                                            consultancy basis, turnkey solutions or on-the-job
                                                                            skills training,” concludes De Villiers.

                                                                            Contact Thyssenkrupp Industrial Solutions South
                                                                            Africa, Phone 011 236-1000,

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