Page 13 - Energize November 2021
P. 13
Locally made technology revolutionises home automation
ome automation is on the rise across the globe and South Africa with another 15,06% increase expected in 2022. For maximum
is swiftly following suit. It’s easy to see why, as tomorrow’s tech energy savings, smart devices can control when power-intensive
Hsavvy consumers can easily control energy efficiency, ensure appliances are run – such as air conditioners, geysers and heaters
safety, and reduce their carbon footprint conveniently from the palm of – so that consumers benefit from the comfort they offer while
their hands thanks to the Internet of Things (IoT). minimising costs. Additionally, appliances that are not in use
“The world has embraced the Fourth Industrial Revolution, which but still plugged in the wall can still use electricity, costing South
has changed the way people manage their daily lives,” explains Charl Africans unnecessary money. With smart devices, users can turn
Osborne, Organisational Head at CBI-electric: low voltage, a local these products off from the palm of their hands to ensure they
manufacturer of quality low voltage electrical distribution, protection aren’t wasting money on electricity that isn’t being used.
and control equipment.
Noticing a gap to assist South Africans to manage their electricity • Convenience
from anywhere and anytime, the company introduced the Astute Smart devices offer greater convenience. The CBI Home App
Range which features locally manufactured products such as the allows consumers to control when devices are powered, with
Astute smart controller, isolator and smart plugs – all managed via settings including weather and time of day. An air conditioner can
the CBI Home App. be remotely turned off when no one is home, or only set to run
during warmer conditions.
Today, IoT products are putting the power back in South Africa’s Subsequently, consumers can also use smart devices to
hands. Here are five ways smart devices are revolutionising home automate their homes or turn geysers off while on holiday.
• Improve energy efficiency • Set safety measures
In the past, South Africans have had relatively little control over Many people can relate to the anxiety of wondering whether
their electricity usage, aside from choosing energy-efficient they’ve turned off fire-hazards such as heaters, irons and electric
appliances. Now they can proactively manage their demand and blankets when they’ve left the house. Now they can use the
easily schedule their peak power use while also reducing their app to see whether these appliances are still switched on and
impact on the environment. This is especially important as Eskom effectively turn them off at the wall if – and – when necessary.
has predicted more power cuts for the next ten months. Now locals For home security, users can also take precautionary measures
can reduce their electricity load during peak hours from the palm by switching on lights when needed.
of their hands which will assist in alleviating the national grid.
This can be done via a “set and forget” option with schedules • Customised requirements
controlled with a smartphone or tablet. Scheduling can be set for The Astute devices allow for multiple on and off programs and
different days of the week, with automation according to time, have manual by-pass capabilities with maximum control.
weather conditions and more. Electricity usage is displayed in daily As the products work with already-installed electrical
graphs and monthly usage on the app. infrastructure, the Astute Range provides an affordable
and practical solution. However, the products allow people
• Minimise costs to decide which product to install first according to their
As energy prices increase, South Africans are feeling financially needs with no added costs above that of the device
stretched. The cost of electricity has doubled in the past decade installed, for example, if they want to tackle the heaviest
electricity usage first.
The Astute Range of Smart IoT products can be managed
via the CBI Home App, available on the App Store and on
Google Play. This allows for monitoring, control and scheduling
of energy at the touch of a button. The only requirements
to use the Astute range are a 2,4 GHz Wi-Fi with an internet
connection and a smartphone or tablet.
Click here to watch a video introducing CBi-electric’s
Astute range of products
The Astute Smart Controller and the Astute Smart Plug are available
from leading homeware stores.
Contact CBi-electric, Phone 011 928-2000,,
energize | November/December 2021 | 11