Page 14 - Energize November 2021
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Company’s focus set firmly on power generation
rom dense urban areas to remote power requirements until the full electricity grid is up and running. The rental segment is
locations, communities and an important market because it requires continuous operation and therefore efficient parts
Foperations of every application availability, as units here accumulate hours quickly and the turnaround time is rapid.”
and industry rely on robust, flexible While a lot of projects were put on hold due to the Covid-19 pandemic, Elagab
and fully integrated power systems highlights that the aftermarket business for the power generation market is bouncing
on demand or full-time, especially in back. “Luckily for our customers, the market so far this year has been very strong. This
a global economy where a continuous has had a multiplier effect and resulted in us continuing to prioritising our support focus,
supply of power is required. whereby we maintain close contact with our supply chain team to ensure quick and
Cummins’ power system products effective parts availability.”
include diesel and gas-powered gensets Cummins supports its Power Generation products with an extensive range of both
ranging from 15 kVA to 3750 kVA, Genuine Cummins New and Recon components. “It is important that we offer a clear value
alternators, diesel engines from 49 hp proposition to our customers,” stresses Elagab. This is largely based on understanding
to 5500 hp, generator-drive engines, the requirements of key customers in specific markets such as power generation, where
battery storage systems and integrated Cummins has forged longstanding relationships with major players in the region.
power systems that combine gensets, Elagab is confident about future growth, pointing to major events happening in the
paralleling controls and switchgear region such as the Dubai Expo 2021 in October and the FIFA Soccer World Cup in Qatar
technologies, all connected to industry- in 2022. Another key focus for Cummins in the area is the annual Hajj pilgrimage in
leading digital solutions for complete Saudi Arabia. “This is a particularly big religious event that takes up a lot of resources. It
power system control. falls more on the short-term rental side, with different sized options, and is an excellent
All aspects of genset design, example of the impact that Cummins continues to make on the quality of life for people in
manufacturing and service is available the region.”
through Cummins, explains Waleed Whether customers need continuous, prime, peaking or standby power, cogeneration
Elagab, Parts Territory Manager, or a complete turnkey power plant, Cummins has a full suite of solutions up to 3000 kW
Cummins Africa Middle East. A (3750 kVA). It offers a full range of gensets designed for a range of applications and
particular strength of Cummins is that industries, including commercial industrial, residential, light commercial, mobile, marine,
it manufactures and builds all of the rental, high horsepower and Data Centre Continuous (DCC) rated.
major components for its products, from Cummins also offers a wide variety of power generation controls providing global and
the engines to the alternators, control regional views, the capability to manage multiple sites, continuous monitoring, reporting
systems and containers, allowing for and analytics and on-the-go access to Cummins gensets. This includes genset controls,
a totally integrated approach to meet digital master controls, remote monitoring controls and automatic transfer switches.
customers’ requirements.
Power generation is the dominant Contact Sbu Gule, Cummins Africa Middle East, Phone 011 451-3433,
market for Cummins in the MENA,
region, constituting about 85% to 90%
of its total business, reveals Elagab. A
member of the global parts marketing
team, Elagab ensures that all MENA
distributors are on-board with the
company strategy and are either
meeting or exceeding targets. “My main
responsibility is to grow the aftermarket
business. I support distributors in terms
of all of their requirements, from supply
chain issues to finance.”
Elagab also supports Cummins
Saudi Arabia, which not only has the
biggest population and area in the
region, but where the dominant market
segment is rental. “Saudi Arabia has
various mega projects on the go where
it is more cost-effective to assign a
company like Cummins to handle the
energize | November/December 2021 | 12