Page 11 - Energize November 2021
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Exciting new power control products enhance fire prevention by combining the use of the
innovative PowerLogic HeatTag sensor with their IEC
61439-1 & 2 type-tested functional units.
epresenting one of the biggest launches in the company’s recent
history, Schneider Electric South Africa has unveiled three new product TeSys Giga series of motor starters
Rranges as part of its EcoStruxure Power architecture to the local The TeSys Giga series has been reimagined with the
marketplace. latest smart digital innovations to deliver simpler, more
Introduced recently to partners and customers at the digital Schneider sustainable, safe and secure customer experience for panel
Electric Innovation Talk Webinar: EcoStruxure Power Future Ready Launches, builders, consulting engineers, system integrators, facility
the ranges are the PrismaSeT, New Generation ComPacT NSX, TeSys Deca and managers and original equipment manufacturers (OEMs).
TeSys Giga. The series of motor starters has been designed to
EcoStruxure Power architecture represents Schneider Electric’s continued meet the needs of machinery, water and wastewater
strides toward protecting critical infrastructure and equipment from the (WWW), metals, minerals and mining (MMM) as well as
dangers of electrical failures whilst allowing for advanced generation various manufacturing and processing industries.
integration of clean renewable energy. Tesys Giga reduces engineering time and complexity,
“Through product innovation such as the launch of our PrismaSeT, New whilst improving machine reliability and driving down
Generation ComPacT NSX, TeSys Deca and TeSys Giga, our EcoStruxure Power maintenance costs and potential downtime.
Domain architecture offers improved efficiency, connectivity and power
availability for commercial buildings, healthcare, data centres, industry TeSys Deca series of motor starters
and infrastructure,” explains Ettienne van Niekerk, Offer Marketing and The new generation TeSys Deca series offers a more robust
Prescription Manager, Buildings Business, Schneider Electric SA. and innovative one-stop solution, with new technical
“Our products under the EcoStruxure umbrella feature advanced features, addressing the modern requirements of machine
cybersecurity features, improved connectivity and predictive analytics, builders and panel builders in the HVAC, electro-domestic,
working to reduce downtime whilst ensuring the safety of equipment and elevator and harsh environment industries.
personnel,” he adds. The new TeSys Deca contactors use higher grade
EcoStruxure Power also falls in line with Schneider Electric’s Energy 4.0 plastics for better fire resistance, ensuring it is compliant
approach which represents the convergence of electricity and digital and its with the EN60335-1 standard for electro-domestic
role in establishing smart energy measurement and waste reduction. applications and the HVAC industry, while offering
“Our world is increasingly more digital and electric with power becoming enhanced simplicity and efficiency usage.
more distributed, more complex to manage, and more integrated into our
everyday lives. With EcoStruxure Power, we are providing comprehensive Contact Schneider Electric South Africa,
IoT-enabled architecture and the platform is designed to digitise and simplify Phone 011 254 6400,
electrical distribution infrastructure,” explains Quintin McCutcheon (Digital,
Transformation Leader) at Schneider Electric SA.
New generation compact NSX circuit breakers
The new ComPacT NSX moulded-case circuit breakers feature a refreshed
design that retains the footprint of previous models, tailored for operational
excellence and major simplification of maintenance activities.
The ComPacT NSX range now comes connectivity-ready with modular
“plug-and-play” accessories and expanded capacity for advanced monitoring
capabilities. By keeping the new units the same shape
and size as their predecessors, electrical professionals can
easily retrofit breakers already in use.
Additionally, this allows professionals to expand the
capabilities of ComPacT breakers trans-generationally to
unleash digital intelligence.
PrismaSeT LV switchboard
The new PrismaSeT is an optimised, tested and IEC
(International Electrotechnical Commission) compliant
solution, based on Schneider Electric’s more than 30
years of experience in low voltage switchboards.
In response to the need for superior operational
safety, the new PrismaSeT switchboard is designed to
energize | November/December 2021 | 9