Page 34 - Energize September 2021 HR
P. 34


        Raising the generation licencing threshold to 100 MW

        is necessary but insufficient

        Obstructive behaviour and bureaucratic red tape continue to inhibit the uptake of self-generation, embedded
        generation, distributed generation, wheeling and trading of electricity in South Africa.

        by Chris Yelland, EE Business Intelligence                                “Outdated thinking and reactionary
                                                                                  rules hold back electricity supply in
             here has recently been an                                            South Africa”. These include unnecessary
             overwhelmingly positive response                                     limits on the size of LV embedded
        Tto successful efforts by a number                                        generation installations; not allowing
        of industry, labour and employer                                          LV embedded generation for customers
        associations, acting on behalf of electricity                             with prepayment meters or credit meters
        customers, to convince the powers-that-be                                 without time-of-use functionality;
        to increase the threshold above which a                                   and irrational and unfair limits on
        generation licence is required, from 1 MW                                 compensation to customers when
        to 100 MW.                                                                supplying electricity back into the grid.
           These industry, labour and employer                                      In the meantime, customers in both
        associations include the Business                                         Eskom and municipal areas of supply
        Unity South Africa (Busa), Congress of                                    continue to experience massive electricity
        South African Trade Unions (Cosatu),                                      supply disruptions.
        Minerals Council of South Africa (MCSA),                                    Generation capacity shortages
        Association for Surface Mining Industries   Chris Yelland                 resulting from Eskom’s high levels of
        (ASPASA), Energy Intensive User Group                                     unplanned breakdowns and low availability
        (EIUG), National Employers Association of                                 of its generation plant leads to regular load
        South Africa (Neasa) and many others.  installations which do not have Eskom   shedding across South Africa, including by
           However, while this reform is certainly   authorisation and are therefore not   municipal electricity distributors.
        necessary and to be welcomed, it is   registered with Nersa.
        not a sufficient condition to unlock the   “The estimation of 27 000      In addition, a far greater number of power
        significant potential that self-generation,   unauthorised (illegal) connections is   outages experienced by customers are
        embedded generation, distributed     based on Eskom’s market research,    caused by problems and issues within
        generation, wheeling and trading     where the majority is expected to be a   both Eskom and municipal electricity
        can deliver to domestic, commercial,   ‘shared transformer’ scenario. There are   distribution networks. These power
        industrial, mining and agricultural   27 authorised LV embedded generation   failures result from:
        customers of electricity, and to the South   connections processed at present”,   •  Ageing and poorly maintained
        African economy.                     says Eskom. “Of these, none are on     substations, mini-substations,
           To give some idea as to the extent of   shared transformer infrastructure due to   transformers, lines, cables, switchgear,
        the obstructive behaviour and bureaucratic   challenges highlighted previously.”   and other distribution infrastructure
        red tape, it should be remembered that   While national figures from municipal   •  Overloading of distribution equipment
        even before the latest amendment of   electricity distributors are not readily   and circuits due to population growth,
        Schedule 2 of the Electricity Regulation   available, it is expected that a similar   illegal connections and electricity theft
        Act (ERA), low-voltage (LV) embedded   situation prevails in areas of municipal   •  Vandalism and theft of electricity
        generation installations of less than 1 MW   electricity supply. Johannesburg’s City   infrastructure such as copper cables,
        capacity did not – and still do not – require   Power has unofficially indicated that there   overhead lines, transformers, steel
        generation licences.                 are an estimated 5000 unauthorised and   structures and poles
           Yet, despite this, as of 27 July 2021,   technically illegal LV embedded generation   •  “Load reduction” imposed on
        Eskom has advised that throughout    installations connected to the City Power   delinquent municipal electricity
        South Africa there are only 27       network alone.                         distributors, as well as in Eskom
        authorised LV embedded generation      Further inhibiting and restrictive   direct areas of supply, to incentivise
        installations connected to the Eskom   practices have been detailed in an   payment for electricity, and to prevent
        grid, and some 27 000 technically illegal   earlier article of 23 July 2021, entitled   overloading due to electricity theft.

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