Page 30 - Energize January 2022
P. 30
Smart strategies for reducing technical losses
Information from Schneider Electric Technical losses, both variable and fixed, most frequently occur on
primary and secondary distribution lines. There are a number of
echnical losses on electrical distribution networks are an causes, but some of the most common are:
inherent consequence of energy being transmitted and • Long distribution lines
Tdistributed. While they can never be completely eliminated, • Overloading of lines
they can – and must be – minimized by improving energy efficiency • Unbalanced feeder phase current
using smart, connected tools. • Inadequate size of conductors for distribution lines
• Installation of distribution transformers away from load centers
The benefits on decreasing losses on electrical distribution
networks: But distribution networks can use proven methods for minimizing
• Financial: Distribution losses can be extremely costly. For losses.
example, losses ranged from 2% to 14% in European countries in Increasing grid efficiency, addressing the consumer side of
2018. These losses represent billions of euros of annual waste in energy use with demand response tools, and improving how DER
distribution grids from electricity that was produced but never are managed all help utilities overcome distribution network
used and invoiced. losses. That’s because they all focus on ways to use energy more
• Environmental benefits: T&D worldwide can save an estimated efficiently – whether that is by eliminating energy waste through
500 metric tons of carbon dioxide per year by improving global better network management, more efficiently integrating DER into
grid efficiencies, such as reducing technical losses. A more energy- the grid to minimize losses, or by supporting consumers to better
efficient network requires lower energy use, which can reduce air manage their own energy using demand-side tools.
pollution, avoid wasted resources and reduce fossil fuel use.
• Regulatory: New regulations require distribution networks to Any network loss improvement strategy should target all three
improve efficiency, such as the EU’s Energy Efficiency Directive of the pillars of loss reduction: organizational strategy, technical
(2012/27/EU) and Directive 2019/944. They’re also being put choices and data management:
into place at an individual country level. For example, Sweden • Organizational strategy revolves around the implementation of
has recently added a revenue cap regulation that takes the operational strategies, such as balancing load between phases.
reduction of network loss into account, while the UK has • Technical choices focus on the selection of efficient components
policies in place that are designed to incentivize DSOs to better or solutions.
manage losses. • Data management concentrates on using data for understanding
and tracking energy consumption and loss.
Technical losses are unavoidable
There are two types of losses – non-technical losses, such as theft All three of these categories can be addressed using connected,
or meter errors, and technical losses. Today we’re focused on digital technology.
technical losses, which can be broken into two categories: variable Loss-reduction methods are centred around smart, efficiency-
technical losses and permanent/fixed technical losses. improving technology. Replacing existing distribution network
Technical losses are caused by energy dissipated in the infrastructure is costly and difficult. Instead, a cost-effective
conductors, equipment used for transmission, sub-transmission alternative for network improvements, including minimizing
and distribution lines and magnetic losses in transformers. Power technical losses, is to keep the existing electrical distribution
transmission is naturally inefficient due to factors such as inefficient
network equipment, losses that occur when energy is transported
long distances between generation and consumption, and network
congestion that disrupts the normal flow of electricity.
Energy transition
Between 25% and 33% of technical losses on distribution networks
are fixed losses. These do not vary by current and can be caused
by factors such as leakage current losses or losses caused by
continuous load of measuring or controlling elements.
In contrast, between 66% and 75% of technical losses are
variable technical losses, which depend on the amount of
electricity distributed. They are caused by impedance of the
system, such as cables or conductors, and are proportional to the
square of the current.
energize | January 2022 | 28