Page 31 - Energize January 2022
P. 31


        infrastructure while adopting smart grid components and advanced   These tools can then automatically, in real-time calculate the
        software. Upgrading to intelligent, connected technology reduces   shortest and least resistant path to the flow of electrons.
        losses while optimally utilizing the existing energy resources and   Furthermore, field-proven components also work together.
        giving distribution operators more control over their network.   For instance, a smart transformer, including a serial transformer
                                                               working together with the conventional active part, a set of low-
        Examples include:                                      current LV contactors, and a PLC to control operations can provide
        The advanced distribution management systems, which can serve   stability and reliability by simplifying maintenance, keeping voltage
        as the core of any strategy for minimizing losses and actively   output within a specified range, and allowing easy adjustments as
        managing distribution networks. ADMS is a comprehensive toolset/  needed.
        platform for distribution management and network optimization.   Finally, addressing losses from the demand side, through
        Its functionalities give network operators the ability to reduce   technology like smart metering, presents significant loss reduction
        losses by providing a comprehensive view of the distribution   opportunities. For example, a report estimated that energy
        network for more accurate loss detection, voltage optimization,   consumption could be reduced by 2,8% if homes used smart
        and real-time situational awareness for monitoring, controlling,   meters, combined with home display units. This could then
        and coordinating interconnected assets. In addition, merging   reduce distribution network losses by 5,5% due to the decrease in
        multiple functionalities into a complete network management   consumption. In addition, the use of these demand response tools
        solution, distribution operators can reduce losses by identifying   could potentially reduce losses by around 3% by moving some of
        and solving voltage fluctuations caused by DER.        the load from peak to off-peak period.
           Another example is efficient components like high efficiency,
        low-loss transformers. These can significantly improve both load   Get started on improving grid efficiency
        loss and non-load loss performance. They can actively manage   For a more in-depth look at how distribution networks can start
        losses and power dissipation by dynamically reconfiguring the   to improve efficiency and reduce losses, read our use case “Grid
        grid using software built to estimate loss, like ADMS and analytics.   efficiency – reduction of technical losses.”

        Differential transmitter performs

        under pressure

            obold differential pressure      Kobold PAD & PAS key features:
            transmitter models PAD and PAS   Performance
       Kare microprocessor-based, high-      •  High reference accuracy: ±0,075 % of
        performance transmitters which have   calibrated span (optional: ±0,04 % of
        flexible pressure calibration and output,   calibrated span)
        with automatic compensation of ambient   •  Long-term stability (0,125 % URL for 3
        temperature and process variable      years)
        configurations of multiple parameters and   •  High rangeability (100:1) for range 4-0
        HART protocol communication.
           Applications are varied and include   Flexibility
        media like steam, gases, liquids and other   •  Data configuration with HART
        critical media. Pressure, flow and level   configurator
        measurement are done by the application.   •  Zero-point adjustment
        The input of all data for sensors is added,
        modified and stored in EEPROM.       Reliability                          high-performance processors for flexible
           As an option, the Kobold PAD-F is also   •  Continuous self-diagnostic function  application in absolute and differential
        available as a flow meter with a totalising   •  Automatic ambient temperature   pressure measurements. In addition,
        function in the PAD transmitter, enabling it   compensation               these models achieve excellent long-term
        to check the flow rate and totalising flow.   •  EEPROM write protection  stability with capacitive or piezo-resistive
        Flow rate is measured by using differential   •  Fail-mode process function  sensors.
        pressure without compensation of     •  CE EMC conformity standards (EN
        temperature and static pressure. The   50081-2, EN 50082-2)               Contact Instrotech,
        body of PAD-F is the same as the standard                                 Phone 010 595-1831,
        device, except for the terminal block which   Kobold’s PAD & PAS transmitters have,
        has two more pulse output terminals.   excellent reference accuracy thanks to the

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