Page 36 - Energize January 2022
P. 36


       Power developments in Africa

        Compiled by Roger Lilley, Now Media

        Containerised solar mini-grid for Benin                                   Geothermal project gets
        Engie PowerCorner, a subsidiary of the French group Engie, will install a containerised solar
        mini-grid in Dohouè in southern Benin. The company plans to deploy 22 solar mini-grids in   Kenya Electricity Generating Company
        rural Benin by 2023. These mini-grids are modular systems which consist of solar panels on a   (KenGen) announces the start of drilling
        shipping container. The container is equipped with inverters and batteries which store electricity   on the Gale Le Koma geothermal site. The
        for distribution after sunset or in bad weather. The containerised mini-grid installed in Dohouè   Kenyan company, in terms of a contract with
        is expected to be powerful enough to provide electricity to 1500 people.  the Djibouti Geothermal Energy Development
                                                                                  Office (ODDEG), will drill three geothermal
        Gabon to build                       A new focus on universal             wells as part of a geothermal exploration
                                                                                  and exploitation programme supported by
        hydroelectric power                  access                               the Djiboutian authorities. The wells drilled
                                                                                  will be used to produce steam for a 15 MW
        The industrial group Eranove and the   The Business Council of Renewable   geothermal power plant. This will be a pilot
        Gabonese Fund for Strategic Investments   Energies of Senegal (COPERES) has signed   plant to measure the geothermal potential
        (FGIS) are raising €300 million for the   a partnership with the Alliance for Rural   around Lake Assal. The US$24,73 million
        construction of the Ngoulmendjim dam   Electrification (ARE) to facilitate the   project is funded by the AfDB.
        and hydroelectric plant across the Nkomo   electrification of rural areas in Senegal.
        River in Gabon. The project is entering its   Like other countries in sub-Saharan Africa,
        financial mobilisation phase. The dam will   Senegal is relying on renewable energy   Renewable energy at the
        form a reservoir over an area of at least 30   to electrify its population. Currently, the   heart of green growth
        km2. The structure will be equipped with   West African country has an electricity
        a hydroelectric power plant capable of   access rate of 69%, 93% in urban areas and   The African Development Bank (AfDB)
        delivering 82 MW of power through three   less than 50% in rural areas, according to   will inject US$25 billion dollars to finance
        Pelton turbines. The facility will have a   Power Africa. The Senegalese government   climate change adaptation and green
        maximum height of 38,5 m on foundation,   is therefore concentrating its efforts in   growth projects in Ivory Coast by 2025.
        with a crest width of 635 m.         remote areas.                        Several sectors are part of this initiative,
                                                                                  including renewable energy, green mobility
        Kolwezi PV power plant gets financed                                      and smart agriculture, which will create
                                                                                  at least 500 000 jobs in this West African
        Numerous investors, including independent power producers and banks, are joining forces   country. The AfDB says this support will
        to build a solar PV power plant in Kolwezi, in the south-eastern Democratic Republic of   enable Ivory Coast to meet the challenges
        Congo (DRC). With an expected capacity of 100 MW, the plant will be connected to the DRC’s   of the ecological transition and optimise its
        national electricity grid. The electricity produced will be fed into the grid of the national   share of the 4% that the continent receives
        electricity company (SNEL). The plant will also support mining operations, as Kolwezi is itself   from the Global Climate Fund.
        a mining town. The Lualaba province, where the city is located, has large deposits of copper,
        cobalt, uranium and radium.
                                                                                  Kitchen stove and energy
                                                                                  generator wins award
        Two more towns in Chad               Egyptian wind farm reaches
        to be electrified                    COD status                           Nigerian company Peachwater’s Powerstove,
                                                                                  a connected, clean energy stove, has
        Chadian mini-grid provider Ziz Energie   Independent Power Producer (IPP) Lekela   been selected to receive the first African
        has received a loan of 4 billion CFA   Power will soon bring its West Bakr wind   Entrepreneur Resilience Initiative (ARIE)
        francs (more than €6 million) from the   farm in Egypt into commercial operation.   award from the US African Development
        Development Bank of Central African States   The facility comprises 96 wind turbines   Foundation (USADF). Powerstove is a
        (BDEAC). This financing will enable the   30 km from the town of Ras Ghareb, in   connected kitchen stove and energy
        electrification of two towns via hybrid solar   the Gulf of Suez. The wind farm has an   generator from the Peachwater Technology
        mini-grids. The towns of Mongo and Ati will   installed capacity of 250 MW, with an   Solutions Company. Okey Esse, Peachwater’s
        be supplied with a solar power plant with   annual production capacity of 1000 GWh.   CEO, says Powerstove is a clean-burning
        a capacity of 2.5 MWp. Each facility will   This electricity is sold to the Egyptian   stove that generates sustainable energy.
        be supported by a 1,5 MW/5 MW battery   Electricity Transmission Company (EETC)   It uses 70% less fuel, and burns low-cost
        storage system, and a 1,5 MW backup   under a 20-year power purchase agreement   alternatives to carbon dioxide emitting
        generator. These installations should   (PPA). The North African country’s ambition   fuels, including biomass materials, charcoal
        provide electricity to 3000 households,   is to produce 22% of its electricity from   and wood pellets made from sawdust, or
        industries and local government services.  renewable sources by 2022.     agricultural waste.

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