Page 40 - Energize January 2022
P. 40
A just transition could transform SA into a
green powerhouse
To adapt to higher temperatures, build low-carbon economies and create local green employment,
significant global investment is needed.
by Lucas Chaumontet, et al, BCG
frican countries like South Africa Working towards a just transition in
face major climate-related South Africa
Achallenges, but at the same time In South Africa, the just transition involves
they have the opportunity to achieve a shift toward environmentally sustainable
sustainable low-carbon economies, economies and societies for all. Such a
according to a new report by Boston transition must be well managed and must
Consulting Group (BCG). contribute to the goals of decent work,
The report, titled “Building a Climate- social inclusion and freedom from poverty
Resilient, Low-Carbon, Job-Rich Africa,” for all South Africans.
identifies particular disadvantages that Leaders must create sound plans
South Africa and other countries on for national climate resilience that
the continent must overcome, but also identifies solutions to their countries’
their potential to become a model for specific challenges and opportunities.
transforming a power system based on Challenges include a fossil fuel-based
fossil fuels to one based on renewables. energy system and high levels of Lucas Chaumontet
Although Africa as a whole was inequality, poverty and unemployment
responsible for only 4% of global CO 2 – but opportunities include vast, high-
emissions in 2019 – with South Africa quality renewable energy resources, Green hydrogen, produced by
responsible for 33% of these emissions competitive production costs of green means of renewable-energy-powered
– it accounts for 35 of the 50 countries fuels like hydrogen and net-positive job electrolysis, will be an important enabler
worldwide that are at greatest risk from creation if the country can successfully of decarbonisation across sectors,
the effects of climate change. Even in localise elements of the renewable particularly in hard-to-abate sectors
a scenario where average temperature energy value chain and effectively re- such as steel, cement, heavy-duty road
increases are limited to 2°C, the costs of skill the workforce. transport, aviation and shipping. A key
adaptation for Africa could exceed US$35-
billion a year by 2050, rising to $200-billion
a year by the 2070s.
To make the transition to climate
resilience over the coming years, the
continent must attract extensive global
investments in decarbonisation and other
climate-related projects and must mobilise
African leaders and the international
community to realise those investments.
“Collaborative action by South Africa,
other African countries and the international
community can advance sustainable
development, enable Africa to emerge
stronger in the burgeoning net-zero economy,
and drive progress in confronting the climate
threat—not just for Africa, but for the
planet as a whole,” says Lucas Chaumontet,
managing director and partner at BCG,
Johannesburg and co-author of the report. Figure 1
energize | January 2022 | 38