Page 37 - Energize January 2022
P. 37


        Net Zero is the ‘what’ - but technology

        with purpose will drive the ‘how’

        Information from Siemens

             ommitments to net zero are important, but the real test is moving from the ‘what’
             to the ‘how’. Jeff Connolly, Chairman and CEO of Siemens Australia and the Pacific,
       Cexplains why this requires a more inclusive and holistic approach.
           There’s been a lot of talk about net zero and carbon neutral lately – but how do you
        get there? According to Jeff Connolly, industry, infrastructure and energy sectors must
        converge – which can only be done with the help of digital technologies, some of them yet
        to be developed. Australia, blessed with ideal conditions to harvest renewable energy, can
        play a critical role on the way to decarbonisation, not only in the APAC region but also for
        the world, as Connolly is convinced.
           On 26 October 2021, Australia committed to net zero by 2050 – an announcement
        that was made during COP26 at Glasgow. This follows a long list of countries, cities and
        companies making similar commitments. “I call this the ‘what,’” said Prof. Connolly.
        “These are admirable commitments, but the real test is when the rubber hits the road and
        we move to the ‘how’.”                                                    Jeff Connolly
           Many who have made the commitments have outlined plans to some extent, but the
        reality is that, like New Year’s resolutions, what happens after the resolution is the most   “The task at hand is an
        important part and is much more difficult to live up to. Bringing net zero commitments to   engineering and technology feat
        life will be similar.                                                     – the likes of which we have never
           “Your frame of reference needs to be big when you’re trying to address a big topic   seen before” – Jeff Connolly
        like climate change and net zero, but it also needs to be focussed,” says Connolly.
           Prof Connolly is no stranger to big topics as he led Australia’s journey to preparing   In terms of Siemens own targets, in 2015
        for Industry 4.0 as chairman of the prime minister’s Industry 4.0 Taskforce – part of why   the company was one of the first major
        he received the title of adjunct professor. And now he leads the Australian government’s   industrial companies to set a carbon neutral
        taskforce review into commercialisation of research, another topic critical to Australia’s   target by 2030 and the company is well on
        future.                                                                   its way to achieving this. Since launching
           “Moving from the ‘what’ to the ‘how’ is far more complex than waving placards and   the program Siemens has reduced its own
        shouting one-line slogans.” Connolly likens it to when President John F. Kennedy famously   CO 2 emissions by 54%. Energy efficiency
        said to US Congress on the 25th of May 1961 that “this nation should commit itself to   upgrades will pay for themselves over time.
        achieving the goal, before this decade is out, of landing a man on the moon and returning
        him safely to earth.” Neil Armstrong took his first steps on the moon on the 20th of July   Convergence is the big picture
        1969.                                                                     Prof Connolly has spent many years
           “The moon landing didn’t happen by accident,” said Connolly. “NASA estimated   highlighting core technology-linked
        that it took more than 400 000 engineers, scientists and technicians to accomplish the   trends such as Industry 4.0, digitalisation,
        moon landings. Clearly it was far more complex than just looking at the type of fuel they   the future of energy and the transition
        required.”                                                                to integrated intelligent infrastructure.
           Connolly is optimistic and has no doubt that the targets are achievable with the   “Electrification of everything, digitalisation
        right minds. “We can achieve net zero, but it requires great minds with holistic views   and IoT are driving and enabling a
        including an understanding of the role of industry and infrastructure and people who   technological convergence.
        know how an electron is produced,” Prof Connolly said. “Our political leaders can drive   It’s not dissimilar to the convergence
        the changes by setting goals and visions and even providing funding and favourable   that took place over the last 30 years
        public policy settings. But then you need people with the right skills to make it happen.   in telecommunications; that is, voice,
        The task at hand is an engineering and technology feat – the likes of which we have   data and video have all converged and
        never seen before.”                                                       we now take this for granted. Energy,
           Siemens own sustainability targets and achievements is testament to what can be   infrastructure, and industry are all
        realized in a truly sustainable way. “These challenges will be solved through technology   converging, and this means more
        and innovation, accelerated through collaborative partnerships and the right policy   opportunities but also a need to approach
        settings. It’s all possible and Siemens is proof of the pudding,” Prof. Connolly said.  things differently.”

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