Page 39 - Energize January 2022
P. 39


           Connolly recognises that part     to make it ready for new energy market requirements to dispatch and settle energy in
        of the process of decarbonising is   Five Minute Settlement blocks.
        electrifying everything and using
        that clean energy for industry and   Transmission line
        infrastructure including transport.   Transmission and distribution networks are modernising rapidly, thanks to smart energy
        “Electrification is a prerequisite   management technologies and local innovations like the world’s fastest vacuum circuit-
        of making best use of renewable      breaker, Fusesaver.
        energy and is a crucial part of        This becomes critical given the volatility of energy spot prices as we transition to
        this convergence.” But renewable     a more complex energy mix. “More capable smart meter management helps energy
        generation isn’t as simple as some   providers to understand their data better and ultimately forecast and operate the
        photovoltaic panels and a few wind   power grid even more efficiently for their customers,” says Connolly. “Imagine what else
        turbines says Connolly.              can be achieved if we harness this explosion of data.”
           “There’s a lot of innovation
        taking place to enable renewables.”   Lessons from Industry 4.0 around flexibility
        An example is Tahiti. The island is   As experts agree, flexibility is the key to our future electricity system. That is, flexibility
        working towards a 75% renewable      in conventional generation, in renewable generation, in networks and in demand. The
        target by replacing diesel with battery   way we generate, consume, store and share energy is being transformed – and is all
        storage. This is being supported with   made possible by digitalization. The Grid Edge also plays an important role in net zero
        a unique combination of inverter     because it’s where the consumer, prosumer and the intelligent grid interact. Again – all
        technology from Siemens with         about flexibility.
        virtual synchronous generator (VSG)    Connolly says that this need for flexibility is similar to what is taking place in the
        functionality. Another example is the   industry sector: “Some fundamental things we take for granted as part of Industry 4.0
        e-cube jointly developed in Australia   equally apply to the energy transition.”
        by Siemens and the Clean Technology    The digital twin, which is already widely in use in manufacturing, for example allows
        Group to fast track and streamline   you to analyse and plan complex electrical power systems, making them ready for
        medium solar connection to the grid.    changed/changing requirements. Data analytics, IIoT and artificial intelligence allow
                                             you to plan and adjust energy needs in real-time based on real demand data. “Digital
        Digitalisation of everything         twins support the integration of conventional and renewable energy, better investment
        With the dramatic increase of        planning and improved grid reliability,” Connolly says.
        renewable energy comes the need
        to manage far more complexity in     Hydrogen is the game changer, and Australia can lead the world
        terms of multidirectional energy and   Effective storage has been said to be the holy grail of a renewable energy future
        greater fluctuation. Smart energy    because you can address the reliability issue that comes with intermittent forms
        management is becoming much          of energy such as wind and solar. “Not everyone in the APAC region has abundant
        more relevant – in transmission and   renewable potential and so green hydrogen is a legitimate alternative to fossil fuels if
        distribution grids. Information and   we scale up quickly and get costs down,” said Connolly. “Strategically it makes sense for
        transparency are key to match supply   Australia to not only build domestic hydrogen needs but also to aim to be the world’s
        and demand under much more           largest exporter of hydrogen as we transition over the coming decades away from fossil
        complex conditions.                  fuel exports,” Connolly said.
                                               Hydrogen also supports decarbonisation of the gas network. The Australia Gas
          “Some fundamental things           Infrastructure Group already uses excess rooftop solar in Adelaide, through a Siemens
         we take for granted as part of      electrolyser to split H 2O and create green hydrogen which is reticulated into the local gas
         Industry 4.0 equally apply to       grid. “The time for pilots is over. The technology is proven; it just needs scale and an initial
          the energy transition” – Jeff      period of support to get the cost curve down. If Australia does this well, then as a nation,
                  Connolly                   we can also support the decarbonisation and energy security of the APAC region.”

           Convergence comes with an         Mastering the net zero transformation
        explosion of data and the Industrial   Professor Connolly is convinced that energy grids, buildings and industry need to merge
        IoT. About 50% of the world’s data was   into one optimised system. Flexibility is key for energy networks, and digitalization plays
        created last year and we need to turn   an integral role in achieving this and in optimizing the energy value chain and lifecycle
        this into value. For example, Siemens   of our energy systems. Finally, all of this can only be achieved through close interaction
        EnergyIP Meter Data Management       of society, academia and industry to really master the energy transformation. Only then
        software has played a key role in    will the ‘how’ become real.
        upgrading one of the biggest meter
        data management systems in Australia   Send your comments to

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