Page 79 - Energize October 2022
P. 79


        Customer feedback                    Products                             BITE2P
        The customer found the BITE5 product   BITE5                              •  Determines condition of lead-acid and
        easy to use and relevant to their    •  Supports battery discharge testing  NiCd cells up to 7000 Ah
        application. They found it a useful and   •  Measures impedance on cells up to 200 V  •  On-board Pass/Warning/Fail indications
        important piece equipment to have.   •  Supports lead acid, NiCd and Li-ion  •  Robust, repeatable instruments
        They had been looking for suitable   •  Measures DC voltages up to 1000 V  •  On-line testing
        equipment for many months but were   •  Measures AC voltages up to 600 V
        unable to find any until they discovered   •  Touch screen set-up and trending  Bibliography
        the BITE5. In under an hour, BITE5 found   •  USB and micro-SD card       1. Boost Li Energy Storage Module
        all the weak cells in all ten ESM modules.   •  Measures AC and DC current    ESM-48100C1, Huawei Technologies
                                                                                    Co., Ltd.
        Saving value                         BITE3                                2. Megger Application Note: “Lithium-Ion
        Telecommunication companies played   •  Determines health of lead-acid cells  battery maintenance”
        an important role during the time of the   •  On-line testing with Pass/Warning/Fail
        pandemic. They served, and continue   calculations                        Contact Marie-Claude Rasendra,
        to serve, as a communication highway   •  Measures impedance, interconnection   Megger,
        for internet and phone calls. During the   resistance and cell voltage,
        pandemic, many people used internet   •  Measures float and ripple currents
        for work purposes, such as online
        meetings, presentations, trainings,
        conferences, etc. Hence, aside from
        loss of revenue from downtime, these
        companies have to handle numerous
        angry customers who lose their
        opportunities due to unreliable internet

        In this test, we used BITE5 as a first step
        to find weak points in the ESM. A further
        test had to be carried out (the battery
        discharge test) to confirm that the cells
        were out of limits.                  BITE5

        BITE2P                                                 BITE3

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