Page 22 - Energize November 2022
P. 22


                AMEU Convention discusses just

               energy transition for South Africa

                                                  by Roger Lilley, Energize

             bout 450 delegates and 30       end, or at least reduce the severity of,   COGTA address
             exhibitors gathered at the Durban   load shedding.                   The minister of Cooperate Governance
        AInternational Convention Centre       She called on all members of the   and Traditional Affairs, Dr Nkosazana
        recently to attend the Association of   AMEU to act decisively and with urgency,   Dlamini-Zuma, said that the country
        Municipal Electricity Utilities (AMEU)   applying a “laser focus” to a number of   was suffering from the longest and most
        of Southern Africa’s 68th annual     high-impact interventions which would   electricity interruptions it had ever
        convention. This was the first in-person   reduce load shedding as much as possible.  experienced. This occurred just as the
        convention since 2019. The call for social   At the same time, energy sources   country sought to ensure universal access
        distancing in response to the Covid-19   must be diversified to end the total   to everyone. Villages and townships
        pandemic meant that the Association did   reliance on a single supply of electricity.   that had been in the dark for centuries
        not hold a convention in 2020 and the   Municipalities are not doing enough,   have gradually recieved light and energy
        2021 convention was a virtual one.   she said, to ensure full compliance to   supply. Despite load shedding, 90% of
           The event opened with the singing of   their mandate of supplying reliable and   South Africa now has access to electricity,
        the National Anthem led by a choir from   affordable electricity to those they serve.   she said. The millions who do not yet
        a local school, the reading of Scripture,   In fact, she described the situation as   have access, or experience a sporadic
        and prayer.                          “accelerating downwards in a negative   electricity supply, must be served by any
                                             spiral”. This must be urgently stopped   means possible, she added.
        Welcome address                      and turned around, she added.          Eighty percent of South Africa’s
        In her welcoming address, Jayshree     Part of the solution can be seen in   energy is generated from fossil fuels,
        Pershad, the out-going president of the   a just transition to clean and reliable   with coal making about 26% of that.
        AMEU, said that South Africa seems   electricity. The focus is here at this,   Over 80 000 are employed in the coal
        to have migrated from one crisis to   the 68th AMEU Convention, and is
        another. The challenges presented by the   its theme. A just energy transition
        restrictions to movement and gathering   (JET) offers the people of South Africa
        were highly disruptive.              increased standards of living, a reduction
           But it is the ongoing electricity   in household poverty, and greater
        crisis which has a negative impact on   equality in terms of access to electricity.
        many people’s productivity resulting in   To this end, the AMEU has appointed
        economic hardship for many.          a subcommittee which will assist its
           The government has taken note,    members to implement JET initiatives
        Pershad said, and is focusing its attention   and projects at municipal level for the
        on trying to find workable solutions to   benefit of all.                 Dr Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma

        Jayshree Pershad                     Choir

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