Page 17 - Energize November 2022
P. 17
SRK Global appoints new chair McGurk, group CEO of SRK Global. “I
am looking forward to working with
Alejo, helping to bring his natural team
building and collaboration abilities
lejo Sfriso, corporate consultant to support further collaboration and
and practice leader with SRK growth in our global teams.”
AConsulting Argentina, has In addition to his work at SRK,
been appointed as board chair for SRK Sfriso belongs to several professional
Global. Effective September 30, 2022, associations including the International
Alejo succeeds Mark Noppé, who is Society for Soil Mechanics and
becoming director of the W.H. Bryan Geotechnical Engineering (ISSMGE),
Mining Geology Research Center with where he served as vice president for
the Sustainable Minerals Institute at The South America from 2017 to 2022. He
University of Queensland. was an executive committee member for
“My becoming chair of the SRK the Argentinean Society for Geotechnical
group of companies is a demonstration Engineering from 1997 to 2015 and
of our culture. I am a geotechnical president of the society from 2011
engineer coming from a small to 2015. Alejo has been professor of
consultancy located in a country with a soil mechanics and geology at the
limited mining footprint – but with a lot University of Buenos Aries since 1989.
of potential. I was given the opportunity Alejo Sfriso, SRK Global board chair He has authored or co authored over 90
to build my practice within SRK. In publications.
doing so, I was exposed to challenging returning in 2022. Sfriso is an expert in
projects worldwide, working with many the application of numerical methods View Alejo Sfriso’s
SRK colleagues from whom I learned so for design, analysis, and risk evaluation online profile.
much,” said Sfriso. of geotechnical structures with an
“In this new role, I am now given emphasis in construction procedures. About SRK
the opportunity to be a contact point He continues his professional practice SRK is an independent, global network
of trust for our clients, associates and through which he has contributed to of over 45 consulting practices on six
employees, helping the latter to keep projects in over 25 countries. continents. Its experienced engineers
striving for excellence and building “Alejo’s long history of leadership and scientists work with clients in multi-
their practices within the larger SRK in SRK exemplifies the positive disciplinary teams to deliver integrated,
consultancy, just as I was able to do.” contribution and opportunities he sustainable technical solutions across
Sfriso joined SRK in 2009 and co and his team have made through a range of sectors – mining, water,
founded SRK’s practice in Argentina, development of the Argentinian environment, infrastructure and energy.
where he served as managing director practice and ongoing involvement in
until 2019. He served on SRK Global’s the Latin American practices—as well For more information, visit
board of directors from 2016 to 2019, as technical teams globally,” said Tim
energize | November 2022 | 17