Page 12 - Energize November 2022
P. 12


        Position sensor detection for hydraulic

        cylinders – a world first

         nstrotech has on offer SIKO’s SGH wire-
         actuated encoders that measure cylinder
       Istroke as well as speed in hydraulic
        cylinders with impressive efficiency,
        flexibility and robustness.
           SGH sensors use a wire draw
        mechanism that is integrated directly into
        the cylinder to measure the stroke. The
        wire of the wire draw mechanism is secured
        to the piston head. When the cylinder
        extends, the wire wound on a wire drum   and hydraulic systems. A suitable sensor is available for all applications. With measuring
        is pulled out. The resulting rotation of the   lengths of up to 5000 mm, a wide selection of interfaces as well as high flexibility for
        drum is detected by the contactless sensor   integration of the sensors, the SGH family offers a wide range of possibilities. Redundant
        system and converted into a linear position.   options and sensors for performance levels of up to PLd are available for safety critical
        This means that precise and absolute   applications.
        position or speed tracking of the cylinder   Smart sensors take mobile hydraulics to a new level of safety and efficiency.
        is possible at any time. The magnets used   “Functional safety” is a term that is being widely discussed. Safety concepts for mobile
        to measure the rotation are scanned by   machinery has been a topic of interest since the implementation of the new Machinery
        the contactless sensor system through the   Directive EN 13849. Sensors of the SIKO SGH range help implement intelligent safety
        pressure resistant base plate of the SGH   concepts for mobile machinery and meet the requirements of the specific safety standards
        sensors. The electronic components are   for different utility vehicles.
        fully encapsulated and located on the non-  The safety versions of the SGH25 and SGH50 sensors meet the requirements for use
        pressurised side of the system. The entire   in applications up to Performance Level d (PLd). Safe and redundant design in compliance
        measuring system is therefore incorporated   with CAT3 as well as a safe mechanical design means SIKO products are pre-destined for
        into the cylinder and optimally protected   use in safety-critical applications, also under unusual conditions.
        against external environmental influences.   In addition, the sensors supply process data which not only serve to satisfy safety
        The clear advantage here is, in contrast to   requirements, but also offer an added value for the machine. The process data can
        measuring systems mounted externally   therefore provide insight into an impending seal maintenance interval. Flexible support
        on the cylinder, the sensor system cannot   tracking in crane and lifting applications extend the working ranges of the machine.
        be damaged, negatively affected or even   Memory functions in industrial trucks save time and make work safer. All these are
        destroyed by environmental conditions.   examples of how SGH sensors not only make machinery safer, but also more efficient.
           The SIKO SGH sensors were designed
        and developed in line with the strict   Advantages of the SGH encoder:
        specifications of renowned hydraulic   •  Absolute detection of the cylinder position
        cylinder manufacturers. Market demands   •  Direct integration into the cylinder
        ensured that SIKO met their requirements   •  Measuring range up to 5.000 mm
        regarding robustness, durability and   •  Can be used in safety applications up to PLd
        functionality. SIKO worked closely together   •  No drilling of the piston required
        with cylinder manufacturers to define and   •  Can also be used in telescopic cylinders
        satisfy the specifications regarding service   •  Perfectly protected due to protection category IP69K
        life, shock and vibration resistance, EMC   •  Durable and robust – developed in line with mobile hydraulic requirements
        and compatibility with various hydraulic   •  High EMC
        media. All specifications were tested
        and confirmed in endurance tests at the   Contact Instrotech, Phone 010 595-1831,,
        facilities of cylinder manufacturers or in   Facebook:
        external accredited laboratories.     LinkedIn:
           The SGH technology transforms      YouTube:
        hydraulic and telescopic cylinders as well   Product:
        as piston accumulators into smart cylinders   Hashtags: #Siko #Instrotech #Position #encoders

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