Page 7 - Energize November 2022
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combination with battery storage, while noting that a complete dependence on batteries the technology then available will make it
to provide all the new system flexibility, would increase the power system cost by 50%, economically viable to support green gas
through unrealistically high additions of new battery capacity. alternatives.
By implementing gas plants into the
Implementing the shift to gas power system today, we are practically
While the modelling clearly indicates that flexible gas has a critical role in South Africa’s navigating the difficult pathway that
power system, gas source availability and locations of gas plants on the grid are critical requires the juggling of costs versus
factors that must also be considered. emissions, while being able to create
Imported liquefied natural gas (LNG) is envisaged as the immediate option for gas jobs, and ultimately continuing to
supply. However, within the region, there are many opportunities for new domestic gas move towards a future that maximises
sources which are in rapid development, such as the Rovuma LNG Project (Mozambique), renewable options.
onshore coal bed methane (CBM), and various East and West coast discoveries.
Fortuitously, these future gas sources are spread across the country in locations where About the author
the grid is not constrained by renewables, namely, along the coastline and across the Wayne Glossop is a power systems
Highveld region. engineer and senior business
Wärtsilä believes that there are at least ten short to medium term <400MW gas development manager at Wärtsilä
power opportunities to be realised across the country, which would bring much needed
flexibility across the grid, while also enabling the introduction of gas into the non-power Contact Wayne Glossop, Wärtsilä,
sector, thereby further aiding in South Africa’s quest for zero-emissions by 2050. Phone 021 511-1230,
And gone are the days of inflexible ‘Big Gas’ projects, as demonstrated by Wärtsilä’s,
378MW flexible LNG-to-Power project in El Salvador (more information here: https://
Wärtsilä Energy in brief
Towards SA’s net zero energy transition ambitions: going greener Wärtsilä Energy leads the transition
At Wärtsilä, we subscribe to the belief that the primary objective should be to maximise towards a 100% renewable energy
future. We help our customers in
the amount of renewable energy loaded into the power system. There is no question that decarbonisation by developing market-
renewable options remain the most cost-effective energy sources today and should be leading technologies. These cover
built as much as possible into our modelling options. future-fuel enabled balancing power
However, a key question should be: ‘How much can you actually build with today’s plants, hybrid solutions, energy storage
levels of technology, as well as practical constraints presented by the local landscape?’ and optimisation technology, including
These obstacles include current grid constraints, import logistics, contractors on the the GEMS energy management
platform. Wärtsilä Energy’s lifecycle
ground, available geophysical spaces and so forth. services are designed to increase
We have therefore taken the view that, based on our experience globally, some 10 efficiency, promote reliability and
percent of the peak demand can be built through wind and solar every year. It may, guarantee operational performance. Our
however, be preferable if reality could prove this number to be even higher. track record comprises 76 GW of power
Nonetheless, the responsible pathway to the future is clearly focused on supporting plant capacity and 110 energy storage
as much renewable energy introduction as possible. systems delivered to 180 countries
around the world.
Technologies are improving all the time with regards to gas (including green gas
options), storage and other potential new flexible technologies of the future - and these
will be included in our modelling scenarios and recommendations appropriately, with Wärtsilä in brief
regards to the ongoing intention to continue converting to greener options. Wärtsilä is a global leader in innovative
From a practical perspective, we are of the opinion that gas power plants offer interim technologies and lifecycle solutions for
the marine and energy markets. We
measures that improve on coal-fired options with regards to both cost, reliability and emphasise innovation in sustainable
carbon emissions, to move South Africa into a greener and more sustainable future in the technology and services to help our
longer term. customers continuously improve
We believe that for the next 10 years or so, the country will still have a need for their environmental and economic
gas power plants to assist with baseload capacity and reliability, cost constraints and performance. Our dedicated and
passionate team of 17,000 professionals
emissions. Thereafter, taking improved technologies on board over time, we will be able in more than 200 locations, in 68
to convert more easily to additional greener options - a timeline also echoed by the countries, shape the decarbonisation
International Energy Agency (IEA) in its predictions for new significant green hydrogen transformation of our industries across
and methanol additions by 2030. the globe. In 2021, Wärtsilä’s net sales
As an example, Wärtsilä’s technology today has internal combustion engines which totalled EUR 4.8 billion. Wärtsilä is listed
burn up to 25% green hydrogen - a statistic that is expected to improve in the near future on Nasdaq Helsinki.
with ongoing research and development. We believe that by the time we arrive at 2030,
energize | November 2022 | 7