Page 10 - Energize November 2022
P. 10


                                                                                  expertise to develop sustainable
        Destination Zero strategy moves  solutions that enable our customers’
        towards decarbonisation                                                   success, positively impact our

                                                                                  communities, and protect our planet for
                                                                                  future generations,” says President and
                                                                                  CEO Jennifer Rumsey.
              lobal Cummins products – from                                         Destination Zero, Cummins’ strategy
              diesel and natural gas engines                                      for decarbonisation, calls for developing
       Gto hybrid and electric platforms,                                         and advancing low- and no-carbon
        as well as powertrain components,                                         platforms for those customers who
        controls and related technologies – can                                   are ready for them, while also working
        greatly reduce emissions. These include                                   to reduce carbon emissions from the
        oxides of nitrogen that contribute to                                     company’s more traditional products.
        ozone, particulate matter that impacts                                      Cummins has brought to market
        air quality issues and greenhouse gases                                   battery and fuel cell electric platforms as
        like CO2 (carbon dioxide) and CH4                                         well as electrolysers critical to producing
        (methane), which contribute to climate                                    low-carbon and green hydrogen.
        change.                                                                   Green hydrogen is produced when the
           Adopting cleaner technologies today,                                   electrolysis of water to split hydrogen
        like near zero natural gas products and                                   and oxygen is accomplished using
        nearer to zero diesel, prior to widespread                                renewable forms of power. The company
        commercialisation of zero emission                                        is also bringing to market fuel-agnostic
        technologies for all markets, can make an   Jennifer Rumsey               internal combustion engines offering
        immediate, positive impact.                                               a common architecture that can be
           As a technology company committed   vehicles of the future.            optimised for different low-carbon fuels.
        to meeting the world’s sustainability   Advancements in connectivity and
        challenges, Cummins delivers a broad   automation drive efficiencies further   Contact Sbu Gule, Cummins Africa
        portfolio of power solutions. It is driving   allow for smarter operations and reduced   Middle East, Phone 011 451-3400, ame.
        innovation in the areas of advanced   maintenance for customers and end-,
        diesel, natural gas, electrification, fuel   users. Cummins’ technical leadership
        cells, alternative fuels, and advanced   provides its customers with the correct   Facebook:
        energy solutions. In addition, Cummins   solutions for their applications, ensuring   CumminsAfricaME/
        continues to develop integrated engine   they are equipped with the right   LinkedIn:
        system technologies and controls and   technologies to get their jobs done.  company/cummins-africa/
        collaborates with partners to integrate its   “Cummins can and will lead in   Twitter:
        products and services in the autonomous                                   Africa
                                             addressing climate, leveraging our

             Contact us for all your advertising requirements!

                  Mark Yelland | Cell: 074 854-1597 | Email:

                Katia dos Santos | Cell: 076 410 6909 | Email:

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