Page 5 - Energize November 2022
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FROM THE EDITOR                                                                  Copyright

        All clear!                                                               3       Copyright of all material appearing in
                                                                                         energize is vested in EIA Publishing
                                                                                         (Pty) Ltd. In submitting any article for
        COVER STORY                                                                      publication, the authors confirm that
        Optimising generation efficiency: The importance of a natural gas transition in achieving   they own the copyright to the said
                                                                                         article, which is ceded to EIA Publishing
        South Africa’s energy security                                           6       (Pty) Ltd for publication. The editor
                                                                                         reserves the right to edit or shorten
        NEWS                                                                             articles submitted for publication.
                                                                                         Editing and/or shortening is done with
        A breath of fresh air for a mining company                               8       due dilligence, where necessary in
        Schréder awarded EcoVadis 2022 Gold sustainability rating                9       conjuction with the author(s).
                                                                                            No part of this publication may
        Destination Zero strategy moves towards decarbonisation                 10       be reproduced, or stored in a retrieval
        Vibration tester delivers diagnosis of machine mechanical problems      11       system, or transmitted in any form,
        Position sensor detection for hydraulic cylinders – a world first       12       or by any means, except as described
                                                                                         below, without the written permission
        To secure power supply in Africa’s longest HVDC link                    13       of EIA Publishing (Pty) Ltd. Copying
        Improving order picking with robots                                     14       of articles is not permitted except
                                                                                         for personal and internal use, to the
        High standards of waste management in Angola’s oil sector               15
                                                                                         extent permitted by South African
        Collaborating to create smart buildings of the future                   16       law. Permission is not required to
        SRK Global appoints new chair                                           17       make abstracts, on condition that a
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                                                                                         Requests for permission for other kinds
        INDUSTRY NEWS                                                                    of copying should be addressed to EIA
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        Updated Transmission Development Plan projects up to 53 GW RE over the
        next ten years                                                          20       Disclaimer
        Invitation to submit comments: The repurposing of Komati power station   21      Articles published in energize do not
                                                                                         necessarily reflect the views of EIA
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        AMEU Convention discusses just energy transition for South Africa       22       addition, views expressed by the editor
                                                                                         do not necessarily reflect the views of
                                                                                         EIA Publishing (Pty) Ltd or any other
        POWER DEVELOPMENTS IN AFRICA                                            30       person or organisation associated with
                                                                                            It is a condition of publishing
        INTERVIEWS                                                                       material in energize that EIA Publishing
        The role of gas in South Africa’s energy transition                     31       (Pty) Ltd shall not be liable for any
        Discovering the benefits of ABB’s latest range of MCCBs                 38       consequential or other damages arising
                                                                                         from the publication in good faith of
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        VIEWS AND OPINION                                                                comment, view or opinion. This applies
        A plain man’s view on establishing renewable energy system manufacture           to publishing, failing to publish, late
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        in South Africa                                                         32       article, advertisement, insert, picture,
        Africa needs country-specific narratives for a clean energy future – study finds   35  caption, etc.
                                                                                            It is acknowledged that errors in
        Nukes not cheap even if you can build one                               37       transcript, human and technical errors
                                                                                         can and do occur, but that reasonable
        TECHNICAL                                                                        effort will be made to minimise their
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        Benefits of variable speed drives in industrial applications            39       and correct such errors when they
        Electronically commutated motors                                        41       are brought to the attention of EIA
                                                                                         Publishing (Pty) Ltd.
        Small modular reactors: a promising start                              46

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