Page 14 - Energize November 2022
P. 14


        Improving order picking with robots

        Together, shipping, receiving and storage count for less than half of all warehousing
        activity costs. The lion’s share of expenses - a whopping 55% - is in order picking

            reaking down the various activities   Some potential downsides of this   Strategy #3: Transporting items
            associated with order picking, we   method include high up-front investment   to a robot (Goods to robot)
       Bfind that over 60% of the time is    costs, a relatively long integration and/  This method has the dual advantages
        spent walking, with writing, searching   or installation time, and the likelihood   of high accuracy and low dependence
        and picking tasks consuming the other   of infrastructure changes to the facility.   on labour availability (making it a good
        40%.                                 Still, logistics facilities by and large find   option for companies struggling to hire
           Given the data, it’s safe to say that   that the productivity benefits heavily   personnel). Slight downsides include
        automating the “walking” portion of any   outweigh the initial costs of deployment.  high investment costs and the possibility
        order picking operation will have a strong                                of lower throughput relative to manual
        positive impact on overall warehouse   Strategy #2: Transporting          picking.
        activity. OMRON Logistics Strategic   items between zones (Person           Nonetheless, collaborative robotic
        Account Manager, Yaqing Sun, recently   to goods)                         technology is advancing by leaps and
        discussed some strategies for using   This strategy involves breaking up   bounds, and solutions that connect an
        autonomous mobile robots (AMRs) for   the warehouse into separate order   autonomous mobile robot with a cobot
        the purpose at the Automate 2022 show.  picking zones, each of which will have a   are going to just get more and more
           Let’s consider a few methods for   dedicated employee. Since a single order   efficient. Furthermore, both AMRs and
        replacing unnecessary walking time with   might involve picking from more than   cobots can work around the clock with
        AMRs.                                one zone, an autonomous mobile robot   minimal downtime.
                                             will move between the zones, stopping
        Strategy #1: Transporting items      whenever an employee needs to retrieve   As a leader in industrial automation,
        to employees (Goods to person)       a particular item.                   OMRON has extensive lines of control
        By having an AMR autonomously move     Although each employee still must   components and equipment, ranging from
        goods to a warehouse associate, you   do some walking, having AMRs traverse   vision sensors and other input devices,
        can reduce the amount of time that   the long distances between zones cuts   to various controllers and output devices
        associate spends walking, which in turn   down on the walking by a significant   such as servomotors, as well as a range of
        reduces fatigue and generally improves   amount. The main downside of this   safety devices and industrial robots.
        work satisfaction. In addition, it improves   method is that employees must still scan   By combining these devices via
        traceability by automating the QR code   items manually, so traceability isn’t fully   software, OMRON has developed a variety
        scanning process.                    automated.                           of unique and highly effective automation
                                                                                  solutions for manufacturers worldwide.
                                                                                  Based on its reservoir of advanced
                                                                                  technologies and comprehensive
                                                                                  range of devices, OMRON set forth a
                                                                                  strategic concept called “innovative-
                                                                                  Automation” consisting of three
                                                                                  innovations or “I’s”: “Integrated” (control
                                                                                  evolution), “Intelligent” (development
                                                                                  of intelligence by ICT), and “Interactive”
                                                                                  (new harmonisation between people
                                                                                  and machines). OMRON is committed to
                                                                                  bringing innovation to manufacturing sites
                                                                                  by materialising this concept.

                                                                                  Contact Omron Electronics,
                                                                                  Phone 011 579-2600,

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