Page 12 - Energize December 2022
P. 12


        C2: Power system operation and control   have been removed from the ZA RPP code, measuring small harmonic levels are a
        by Marathon Ntusi                    challenge. Should the values be capped? Big data analytics is becoming more important in
        Managing a grid with high penetration   the planning and operation of the future grid. Model verification is not a once-off exercise
        of DERs is complex and requires close   and should be done regularly to ensure that we have accurate models.
        coordination and collaboration between   EMT type studies are key in the future grid. Special protection schemes must be
        transmission and distribution operators.   considered. With an IBR dominated grid, fault current dynamics will differ. Grid-forming
        To prepare for the energy transition it   inverters are not the silver bullet they have been made out to be. Balance is required
        is necessary to define operator training   between grid-forming and grid-following inverters.
        and digital training simulator (DTS)
        requirements. No single technology   C6: Active distribution systems and distributed energy resources
        can address all power system needs.   by Aradhna Pandarum
        A variety of technical solutions are   Concerns include the increasing penetration of PV, flexibility management and resource
        required, including a mix of grid-   management, considerations in planning and operational management requirements and
        forming vs. grid-following inverters, new   hybrid solutions, both grid-tied and customer solutions. Also the use of DER to enhance
        ancillary services, etc. There is a need   distribution reliability and resilience; the use of data and simulation tools and models
        for a flexible approach to operational   to guide planning solutions-transition towards temporal analysis; regulatory barriers;
        planning analysis, communication across   EVs; barriers when integrating DER/BESS technologies into the system; added benefits,
        the supply chain, artificial intelligence-  different use cases and charging approaches; virtual power plants (VPPs), all of which are
        based solutions, etc. Power system   aggregators enabling environments in South Africa.
        characteristics are changing rapidly during
        the energy transition which creates the   Group D – New markets and IT
        need for topology optimisation, special   D1: Materials and emerging test techniques
        protection schemes and other tools   by Nishal Mahatho
        to extend the capability of the power   There is a need to maintain a greater interaction between sister groups in SA as D1 is
        system.                              a cross cutter. Greater collaboration between D1 and A2 is needed and discussions in
                                             South Africa are already underway. There is a need for a greater focus on predictive
        C3: Power system environmental       maintenance as observed in other countries. There seems to be a greater drive to
        performance                          research innovative ideas and concepts, and pilot them to get a greater understanding.
        by Rudi Kruger                       We need to push this. Although we do not have a large GIS base, it would help to look into
        The power system of the future       more aspects, especially alternative gases. In DC systems, we should focus our efforts on
        will be the tip of the spear for a   the transport of power with greater efficiency through cables, for example, and associated
        decarbonised economy. The energy     studies.
        sector is moving rapidly towards reaching
        net-zero carbon emissions by 2050.   D2: Information systems and telecommunications
        Technological innovations must focus   by Thuthukani Nduduzo Biyela
        on the development and deployment of   It is imperative for South African electric power utilities to prioritise ICT investments,
        long-duration storage and modernising   such as digital twins (in operation and maintenance of EPU). AI has a potential to improve
        the distribution grid. Sustainable   asset management and cyber security. EPUs believe that the best way to develop artificial
        development goals are receiving more   intelligence solutions is by using a hybrid approach, with both in-house and outsourced
        attention and the focus must be to   teams. Local EPUs should use this strategy to increase the AI skills capacity to benefit
        integrate this into business objectives   from AI/ML. Integration of current and new wireless technologies is important in meeting
        and targets. The environmental impact   the requirements of power utility applications. Augmented reality (AR) technology has
        of the energy transition with its drive   a potential to increase the accuracy and safety of maintenance tasks. Mixed reality
        towards renewable energy means that   (i.e., the use of both AR and Virtual Reality technology is expected to be used in power
        a proper relationship between wildlife   utilities training and to assist engineers with asset maintenance. There is a need for
        and electrical infrastructure must be   detailed guidance on implementation of the standards, to configuration level for critical
        established including partnerships   parameters. More EPUs must increase cybersecurity collaborations. With most of the
        between stakeholders, utilities and   EPUs still in the process of migrating their TDM networks to packet, South African utilities
        interested and affected parties.     are not far behind and must continue with the programs of migrating to packet network.
                                             Existence of legacy applications within the EPU power plants hinders the cost-effective
        C4: Power system technical performance   migration to pure packet. EPUs say that migration of TDM networks into packets and the
        by Dr Brandon Peterson               integration of DERs contribute to the increase of cyber-attacks. South African utilities
        Pre-connection harmonic studies are   must take cyber security into consideration when integrating DERs. Advanced security
        cumbersome and time consuming;       operations centres were identified as one of the most effective defensive mechanisms;
        simulation results may lead to incorrect   however, these SOCSs must comply with cyber security standards and regulations.
        solutions being implemented. In South
        Africa, where pre-connection studies   Send your comments to

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