Page 10 - Energize December 2022
P. 10


           Feedback from CIGRE Paris Session 2022

        By Energize Staffwriter                                                   The report-back involved a large
                                                                                  amount of information and only the
             IGRE, the International Council on Large Electric Systems, is a global community   take-away items for South Africa are
             committed to the collaborative development and sharing of end-to-end power   summarised here.
       Csystem expertise. The community features thousands of professionals from over 90
        countries and 1250 member organisations, including some of the world’s leading experts.   Group A - Equipment
           At its heart are CIGRE’s 61 National Committees, offering diverse technical perspectives   A1: Rotating electrical machines
        and expertise from every corner of the globe.                             by Mark Bruintjies
           CIGRE operates the world’s foremost knowledge programme, spanning 16 domains of   South Africa is committed to “Net
        work as shown in Table 1, encompassing all the core areas of the power system.  Zero” carbon emissions by 2050,
                                                                                  which means decommissioned fossil
        Across these domains, over 250 Working Groups draw and build on practical expertise   stations and increased RE capacity
        to solve existing and future challenges facing the power system. In addition to ongoing   to the existing grid. The increase in
        activities, CIGRE hosts a meeting of all study groups every second year in Paris, known   self-generation to 100 MW means new
        as the Paris Session, which consists of a mix of plenary sessions, study group meetings,   policies and regulations, leading to a
        tutorials and other activities. Members of the South African National committee attended   diverse and competitive energy market.
        the 2022 Paris Session, and a feedback session was held on 3 November to share   Investment in new technologies is
        information on the Session outcomes. In addition to study committee meetings, group   necessary to operate a stable grid,
        discussions were held on the following topics:                            and designers and operators need to
        •  Regional activity group (RAG) involvement: Regional activity group involvement is seen   consider the impact of RE at design
           as essential for members to participate on a regional level.           stage.
        •  Women in Electricity (WiE) involvement: CIGRE supports the WiE initiative, but the
           total participation is low.                                            A2: Power transformers and reactors
        •  Next generation networks (NGN): This is intended as a gateway for young professionals   by Carl Wolmarans
           into CIGRE and provides a platform for young engineers who often find it daunting   Component (especially bushing) up-
           to participate together with senior engineers. The NGN is proving to be a successful   front standardisation adds complexity
           initiative                                                             in procurement but yields great benefit
        •  WBA initiative: This is a systematic effort to improve dissemination of information   for maintenance and refurbishment.
           and resources for Africa in cooperation between CIGRE and the World Bank (WB),   “Standard” transformer designs and
           focusing on assisting African countries to develop internal expertise by providing   “standard” materials don’t really exist.
           access to unbiased, up to-date technical experience in innovative ways, for example   The insulation system and transformer
           by means of tutorials. As part of realising this objective, a task force was formed in   design must be appropriately designed
           Study group D2, with the first tutorial in November 2018 which was held at the (SAIEE).   for the application and traffic type.
           This was followed by a tutorial in 2018, and October 2019. The D2 Africa Task Force   PV, wind and renewable applications
           targets African electric power industries (EPIs) and universities. Its plan identifies   remain a challenge. Special transformer
           universities as part of the institutions which can enable the task force’s objectives.   designs with strict requirements are
           Their participation will help in aligning the research studies with the real issues we face   essential.
           as electric power industry.                                              Alternative liquids are gaining
                                                                                  experience, but design adaptions
                                                                                  and continuous learning are needed.
                                                                                  The debate continues on increasing
                                                                                  temperature limits in transformers
                                                                                  vs. optimising for standard/lower
                                                                                  temperatures. Loss capitalisation and
                                                                                  a holistic view remain key. For high
                                                                                  temperature insulation systems, semi
                                                                                  hybrid seems favoured, but be wary of
                                                                                  hot spot uncertainty. Covid experience
                                                                                  means some procurement activities
                                                                                  such as design reviews can be done
                                                                                  remotely, but remote cannot always
        Table 1: CIGRE domains of work                                            replace all activities.

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