Page 15 - Energize December 2022
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hydrogen is quite interesting to time support fundamental chemical engineering research.” The sponsors are Vedanta
explore. It also reduces the large-scale South Africa, an IZA member that mines zinc ore in South Africa and Duferco Steel
electrical infrastructure required for Processing, which galvanizes steel sheet in Saldanha Bay, near Cape Town.
electrowinning. However, it is only a “The erratic power supply scenario in South Africa compels us to find novel low-
concept at this stage,” explains Professor power methods to refine zinc. We can achieve this by harnessing our local research
Petersen. teams, developing our own expertise and hopefully coming up with a low power ‘green’
The concept study was made possible zinc refining process,” concludes Norton.
due to research funding secured with the
assistance of Simon Norton, Executive About the International Zinc Association
Director of IZA Africa. The aim is to The IZA is the only global industry association dedicated exclusively to the interests of
investigate the feasibility of a new clean zinc and its users. Operating internationally and locally through its regional affiliates, the
‘green’ mini zinc refining process to IZA helps sustain the long-term global demand for zinc and its markets by promoting such
meet South Africa’s own demand for key end uses as corrosion protection for steel and zinc as being essential in human health
refined zinc, using locally produced ore and crop nutrition. IZA’s main programmes are Sustainability & Environment, Technology
concentrates. & Market Development and Communications.
“This is an exciting project that In South Africa, the IZA plays a vital role in establishing the basis for the successful
takes a whole new look at zinc refining revitalisation of the zinc industry by increasing awareness of zinc and its applications and
in the light of the need to use low benefits in key sectors and markets, which will ultimately translate into the increased
power processes and work clean and uptake of zinc.
green,” comments Norton. “The funding
sponsors are keen to see us develop our Contact Simon Norton, IZA Africa, Phone 021 788 9980,,
own local capability to produce high- Facebook:
grade refined zinc, while at the same LinkedIn:
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energize | December 2022 | 15