Page 27 - Energize December 2022
P. 27

Power developments in Africa

        Compiled by Roger Lilley, Now Media

        Energy efficiency to reduce emissions                                     Green street lighting project
        The Korea International Cooperation Agency (Koïca) is to finance part of Morocco’s energy   The city of Chefchaouen in northwestern
        efficient buildings project. Energy efficiency is one of Morocco’s five strategies towards its   Morocco will optimize its energy consumption
        transition to a green economy. Some municipalities are working to promote energy efficiency in   thanks to a project financed by the United
        the management of public facilities. The country plans to create a green industrial ecosystem,   Nations Capital Development Fund (UNCDF),
        and to introduce sustainable modes of transport to reduce CO2 emissions. Renewable energy   to combat global warming. The current
        technologies of interest include biomass, hydrogen, desalination and marine energy. Morocco’s   lighting system will be replaced by LED lamps
        plan is to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by over 45% by 2030.       that consume very little energy and reduce
                                                                                  CO2 emissions in the region. This project
        Hydroelectric project as a PPP      Telecoms company to go                is free of charge for the municipality, all
                                            green                                 reimbursements will come from the savings
        As well as producing electricity, Kenya’s new                             made on public lighting. Financing models
        hydroelectric project could also provide   Vodafone wants to use clean energy to   target inclusive digital economies that
        irrigation to local farmers. It is estimated   power its telecoms masts in Africa and   connect individuals, households and small
        that a new water reservoir could irrigate 400   Europe. As part of its Renewable Power   businesses to financial ecosystems aimed at
        000 ha of farmland. The project will operate   Challenge, the group has selected four   stimulating local economic expansion and
        under a public-private partnership involving   companies to carry out demonstration trials   sustainable development.
        GBM, a British engineering company, which   of renewable energy generation at mobile
        will sign a power purchase agreement,   access sites on both continents. The telecom   Investing in sub-Saharan
        as well as a water purchase agreement   company’s Renewable Power Challenge is   companies
        for agricultural irrigation with the Kenyan   part of its strategy to reduce the carbon   The US International Development Finance
        authorities. The project will receive an   footprint of its global operations through the   Corporation (DFC) is investing $40 million
        investment of about R50-billion from the   adoption of renewable energy. In Africa, the   in the Energy Entrepreneur Growth Fund
        UK government. This project is in addition   company operates in at least eight countries,   (EEGF). Established in 2019, the facility
        to extensions to the 40 MW Malindi solar   including Ghana, Kenya, DRC, Mozambique,   finances renewable energy providers in
        photovoltaic plant.                 Lesotho, South Africa, Egypt and Angola.
                                                                                  Africa. This investment will allow the EEGF
        UK supports DRC solar home systems                                        to continue acquiring assets by investing
                                                                                  in about ten companies in Africa south of
        A loan and grant of US$500 000 has been extended to solar home systems provider Bboxx to   the Sahara by the end of 2022. Additional
        deploy its energy access solutions in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). The funding   investments are needed to improve access
        enabled the British company to distribute eco-friendly stoves in the provinces of Goma, Bukavu   to electricity in Africa. Currently, 570
        and Lubumbashi, where access to clean cooking is low, as the majority of the population relies   million Africans do not have access to
        on wood and wood by-products to cook food. The funding is intended to support a number of   electricity, according to the International
        climate change mitigation infrastructure projects.                        Energy Agency (IEA).

        Rooftop PV for soft drink           PPA signed with cement               West African regional solar
        bottler                             company                              power

        Solar energy provider Distributed Power   Egyptian cement manufacturer Suez Cement   A regional solar power plant is to be built in
        Africa (DPA) has signed a partnership   Group of Companies (SCGC) has signed a   The Gambia under the coordination of the
        with Varun Beverages in Zimbabwe. The   power purchase agreement (PPA) with Intro   Economic Community of West African States
        agreement covers the lease of a 2,5 MW   Power and Utilities. The plant will have a   (ECOWAS). This was agreed by officials from
        rooftop solar power plant at the PepsiCo   capacity of 20 MW and will be connected   the national electricity companies of the
        bottling plant in the capital Harare. DPA   to Egypt’s national electricity grid. Under   member countries of the Organization for
        says the rooftop PV plant will supply 4,1   the agreement, Intro will develop, finance   the Development of the Gambia River Basin
        GWh of electricity per year, making it one   and operate a solar power plant at the Suez   (OMVG), the ECOWAS Regional Electricity
        of the largest rooftop solar plants built   Cement factory site in Ain Soukhna in the Suez   Regulatory Authority (ERERA) and the
        in Zimbabwe to date. The company says   governorate. Work will begin early next year.   World Bank who met in the Gambian capital
        the solar solution would reduce its energy   After obtaining the necessary permits, the   Banjul. The plant will be built in two phases
        costs and 2500 tonnes of carbon dioxide   park is expected to be energised in the second   on a 225 ha site in Soma, a town located in
        emissions per year.                 half of 2023.                        central Gambia.

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