Page 31 - Energize December 2022
P. 31


        demand decreases. In the short term, it   amount of renewable energy capacity and four times the amount of energy storage.
        will be important to provide the ability   These investments, however massive, will become the lowest cost options in the future
        to maintain quick response times,    due to the decreasing costs of renewables.
        whereas in longer time frames, energy   On a country level, modelling conducted for the Philippines shows that total installed
        shifting and offering larger storage   capacity increases from 24,735 MW to 64,271 MW from 20% renewable energy sources
        content will require more emphasis.   (RES) to 100% RES. Additionally, storage increases from zero to 44,000 MWh. These
        Operational planning flexibility will also   trends signify the importance of these sustainable technologies in the future and the
        be required to ensure that sufficient   importance of investing into these to accelerate the growth to a cleaner future.
        flexibility resources are available to
        enable safe operation under forecast   Energy system integration
        uncertainty in the supply (loss of   An energy system integrator understands the role of different technologies in customer
        generation units).                   power systems and combines a customer’s assets through software, full EPC offerings and
           The three main types of flexibility   optimal life cycle management to create optimal paths towards 100% renewable energy
        required are daily, weekly and seasonal   systems.
        flexibility. The daily variations caused   Wärtsilä’s view is that energy system integration happens on a power plant level as
        by changes in supply and demand will   well as during its lifecycle.
        be covered by energy storage, a key
        component for overall grid balancing   Understand
        and will provide second- and minute-  An energy system integrator should understand the evolving energy market and analyse
        level frequency balancing when       economic and market trends, to recognise value-based opportunities for customers in
        renewable energy is unavailable. In   the utility and industrial market. Modern power system modelling, including technology
        a 100% renewables scenario, flexible   flexibility constraints, high-resolution renewable energy profiles and co-optimisation of
        thermal capacity which will incorporate   energy and reserves, should be conducted to identify the requirements and long-term
        synthetic gas, biogas and synthetic   capacity additional needs for optimal power systems. This provides a holistic view of the
        liquid fuels for back-up will replace   type of assets that should be integrated into the system, the system requirements on a
        existing baseload capacity and ensure   customer or country level and the type of technologies needed to minimise costs, and to
        week to week shifting and system     maximise efficiency and reliability.
        reliability. Lastly, seasonal variation
        caused by significant changes in     Design and build
        weather conditions such as monsoons   Based on power system analysis and optimisation, the next step is to design and build
        or extended periods of daylight, will   the assets required in a system. It requires looking within an individual asset, i.e., the
        greatly affect the output of a high   building of a new power plant, which may be a hybrid (integrated solar, engines, storage)
        renewables power system. This will be   or a single technology power plant, to identify the various sub-systems that need to be
        balanced by fuel as a form of energy   integrated to provide one functioning entity that can operate in a power system in the
        storage with existing LNG infrastructure   intended way. This step also requires understanding the values and operational and
        and power-to-gas.                    maintenance profiles for customers, depending on the complexity of the power system
           In addition to investing in       and the number of energy sources to be integrated to create an optimal power system.
        increasing flexibility, the transition to
        a 100% renewable energy system also   Serve
        requires massive investments in new   Serving seeks to provide a comprehensive understanding of energy systems, including
        capacity. As existing baseload capacity   fully integrated assets and advanced software complete with value adding lifecycle
        will be replaced by flexible thermal   services for customers. This step also includes understanding the customers’ needs over
        capacity, renewables and storage, the   the lifecycle and how to optimise and maintain the existing asset portfolio of a power
        intermittent nature of renewables will   market operator.
        require a large increase in generation   As an energy system integrator, capable of modelling and defining optimal energy
        capacity to sufficiently meet peak   systems as well as integrating products and solutions to existing grid assets, Wärtsilä
        demand as compared to traditional    has the knowledge and competencies to facilitate the path to 100% renewables at the
        baseload power plants. In an 80%     country, community and customer levels. Furthermore, being a leading EPC and lifecycle
        renewable energy system scenario,    support provider, Wärtsilä provides support to customers with a combination of engine
        assuming peak demand remains         power plants, gas-to-power solutions, integrated solar PV, energy storage, integration and
        constant, four times as much renewable   lifecycle optimisation. For example, New Mexico in the USA is one of the best locations for
        energy capacity is required to meet   a 100% renewable energy system due to abundant wind and solar resources. Results from
        demand compared to a 0% renewable    Wärtsilä’s power system modelling for the optimised path from the current 10% renewables
        system. Similarly, a 100% renewable   energy system to a 100% renewables energy system, show a 954 MW increase in flexible
        energy system requires five times the   gas capacity and a 700 MW increase in energy storage compared to the current portfolio.

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