Page 40 - Energize December 2022
P. 40


        The nuclear renaissance:

        Power for the future?

        Nuclear power usage has been in a decline for the past several decades, with several countries

        having plans to shut down nuclear plant altogether, or to halt further construction. Now, nuclear
        power is experiencing a renaissance, due largely to changed circumstances and new goals, and
        construction of new plant and developments of new technologies are going ahead at full steam.

                                                 by Mike Rycroft, Energize

        “The time of nuclear renaissance has   achieving deep decarbonisation targets increases significantly”.  In other words, it would
        come,” President Macron of France said   be almost impossible to decarbonize without it. Renewables are also facing an increasing
        on 10 February this year in a speech   opposition.
        outlining his country’s energy policy for   The number of new nuclear power plants (NPPs) planned has increased dramatically,
        2050 and retracing “the great adventure   as have plans to extend the life of existing plants and halt the shutdown of plants. Today
        of civil nuclear in France.”         the 430 nuclear power reactors operating in 32 countries provide approximately 386 GW
                                             of installed capacity, supplying some 10% of the world’s electricity and around a quarter
             ountries that were once nuclear   of all low-carbon electricity. According to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA),
             leaders have lost that ability, and   there are 57 new reactors under construction in 18 countries.
       Care now scrambling to regain that
        position, with government support for   Nuclear renaissance drivers
        the development of advanced nuclear   One of the main drivers of the renaissance is the move towards decarbonisation of power
        generation systems, and improvement   generation and the shift away from the use of coal and gas. Many of the new planned
        of existing designs and safety. Others   NPPs are meant to replace older coal-fired plants rather than extend capacity. Nuclear
        who chose not go the nuclear route for   is starting to be seen as a carbon free alternative that provides firm or baseload power,
        pragmatic reasons are now revising their   without the need for additional storage. Nuclear power has been granted “green” or
        views due to the changed circumstances.  carbon free status by the EU, which allows investment in NPP.
           Nuclear power is back, after years   The other main driver is the energy crisis in Europe and the emerging crises in other
        of being avoided by the power sector,   countries, that have established the need for local reliable firm power supplies, and as
        and has found a new home amongst     coal is not on the agenda for many countries, nuclear is the most attractive alternative
        the “green” carbon-free technologies.   firm power source. There is a growing acceptance that the introduction of variable
        Perhaps this has happened as an unseen   sources such as wind and solar cannot proceed without a firm baseload generating
        or unanticipated result of the planned   facility, and experience from several countries that have embraced renewables has shown
        transition to carbon free power sources,   that neither wind nor solar can provide a reliable energy source on their own, or in
        but certainly also as a result of the new   combination.
        awareness of the importance of energy   Further impetus comes from the development of small modular reactors that promise
        sovereignty (independence) and of    to reduce construction time and allow distributed firm generation. Several designs have
        having a reliable and secure local power   successfully been placed in service, and the technology is well beyond concept stage.
           The world’s energy demand is such   Challenges facing nuclear
        that solar and wind power are unlikely   Fundamental opposition to nuclear is still rife and much of the discussion on nuclear
        to satisfy it.  A comprehensive analysis   energy is deeply ideological. Nuclear projects face significant hurdles, including extended
        conducted at the Massachusetts       construction periods and related risks, long licensing processes and manpower shortages,
        Institute of Technology (MIT) in 2018   plus long-standing issues related to waste disposal, nuclear proliferation and local
        concluded that although a number of   opposition.
        low- or zero-carbon technologies can   The financing of new nuclear power plants, especially in liberalised markets, has
        be advantageously employed in various   always been difficult and the financial crisis seems almost certain to have made it even
        combinations, nuclear is virtually   more so. The huge capital requirements, combined with risks of cost overruns and
        essential as a contributing low-carbon   regulatory uncertainties, make investors and lenders very cautious, even when demand
        technology. Without it, “the cost of   growth is robust. 3

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