Page 44 - Energize December 2022
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                                                                                   steam generating plant (boilers), but
                                                                                   retains generating plant (turbines and
                                                                                   generators) and other electrical plant.
                                                                                   The retrofit program is being pursued
                                                                                   actively by China.

                                                                                Replacement and retrofit of inland plant
                                                                                depends on the development of reactors
                                                                                which do not use water for cooling of the
                                                                                reactor i.e., HTMR, pebble bed, etc.
                                                                                New build programmes
                                                                                There are numerous new build
                                                                                programmes worldwide. Most notable is
                                                                                China with an estimated 150 new NPPs
        Figure 5: Construction of pebbles (Nuclear Street)
                                                                                planned, India with 20 new NPPs, and the
                                                                                UK with a planned additional 24 GW of
        layer of silicon carbide; and an outer layer of pyrolitic carbon. These layers provide the   new NPPs. Notable also is Holland with
        structural support necessary to endure irradiation during the fission process. Thousands   two new NPPs planned, and France with
        of these TRISO particles are then embedded in a graphite matrix and formed into a   16 new NPPs. South Africa still has two
        sphere. An outer layer of graphite is then added to fully form the 60 mm fuel sphere.   new NPPs in the IRP2019 with a combined
           The first successful application of the gas cooled pebble bed design is the Chinese   capacity of 4096 MW.
        HTR-PM, a two PB reactor unit with a capability of 200 MWe that has been delivering   Australia, Italy, Germany and New
        power to the grid since December 2021. China has plans for a larger unit, with six PB   Zealand all have anti-nuclear policies that
        reactors driving a single 600 MW turbine.                               prohibit the building of new nuclear plant
           South Africa has a long involvement with the gas cooled pebble bed reactor. The   and are all stuck with a political decision
        technological root of both the South African and the Chinese PBMRs is the German   that cannot easily be reversed. No politician
        high-temperature, gas-cooled reactor (HTGR) developed at the government’s Jülich   will ever admit to being wrong, even if
        research centre.  The South African project was officially discontinued in 2009, but the   changed circumstances provide an escape.
        PBMR concept has been pursued by private companies since then, with several versions   It is important to note that “undeveloped
        emerging, including a thorium fuel-based version.                       countries” such as India and China, have
                                                                                not followed the trend to reduce nuclear,
        Thorium SMRs                                                            and have an active NP build program,
        Several of the above SMR technologies have been adapted to use thorium as a fuel and   while developed countries like Russia and
        there are a number of SMRs using the thorium cycle under development worldwide,   South Korea have well established nuclear
        mainly in the Nordic countries but in South Africa as well.             manufacturing industries.
           A very good reference on the state of SMR development is the IAEA publication
        “Advances in Small Modular Reactor Technology Developments”             References                    1.  MIT: “The Future of Nuclear Energy in a
                                                                                   Carbon-Constrained World”, MIT energy
                                                                                   initiative, 2018.
        The micro reactor                                                       2.  P Carajileskov: “Construction time of PWRs”,
        A team at Brigham Young University has announced the development of a fully   INAC, 2011.
        transportable micro molten salt reactor with an output of 10 MW. Having the molten   3.  BYU: “BYU profs create new nuclear reactor
                                                                                   to produce nuclear energy more safely”,
        salt reactor is the equivalent of having a silicon chip. We can have smaller, safer, cheaper
        reactors and get rid of those problems. 3                                  safer-system-to-produce-nuclear-energy
                                                                                4.  Dr A Cilliers: “Nuclear power - unaffordable,
        Nuclear power application                                                  or lowest cost energy available?”, News24.
                                                                                   com, 09 Nov 2017.
        There are three areas of application for new nuclear in the expansion and   5.  M. Hussain, et al: “Advances in
        decarbonisation programme.                                                 Small Modular Reactor Technology
                                                                                   Developments”, IAEA, 2018.
        •  New plant: Plant established as an addition to existing capacity at new site or as   6.  S Thomas: “Demise of the Pebble Bed
           additional on an existing site                                          Modular Reactor”, Bulletin of the Atomic
        •  Replacement: New plant replaces existing coal or gas fired plant, either at existing   Scientists, 2009.
           site or at new site. At an existing site, auxiliary electrical plant such as transformers
           are retained.                                                        Send your comments to
        •  Retrofit: The new nuclear plant replaces part of the existing thermal plant, such as

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