Page 30 - Energize February 2022
P. 30


       Power developments in Africa

        Compiled by Roger Lilley, Now Media

        IPP tender opportunity: Botswana Power                                    New fund to help GHG
                                                                                  emission reduction
        Botswana Power Corporation (BPC) is inviting bids for the development, financing, construction
        and operation of six solar photovoltaic plants. IPPs have until 25 March 2022 to apply. The   To achieve Zimbabwe’s commitment to
        Botswana authorities have not provided further details on the project, including the total   reduce its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions
        capacity expected. With an installed capacity of 450 MW, Botswana imports an additional 150   by 40% by 2030, the country has set up a
        MW from South Africa. National demand is estimated at 550 MW. Botswana recently received a   Renewable Energy Fund (REF) to attract
        $1 million grant from the Sustainable Energy Fund for Africa (SEFA), a financing facility managed   investment in hydropower, solar and biomass.
        by the African Development Bank (AfDB). For more information on the BPC tender, click here.  The United Nations Fund for Sustainable
                                                                                  Development Goals (SDGs) has mobilized
                                                                                  US$10 million and is launching a special fund
        Startups have a role to play         Energy company expands
                                                                                  of $45 million from several development
        in electrifying Nigeria              its reach in Mozambique              partners. The project will start in April 2022.
                                                                                  It will also increase the country’s installed
        At least 13 start-up electricity-access solution   TotalEnergies is expanding in Mozambique   generation capacity and help meet the
        providers are winners of the 2021 Nigeria   with the acquisition of BP’s retail network,   estimated 2000 MW of demand.
        Off-Grid Energy Competition. Organized by   wholesale fuel business and logistics assets.
        the US African Development Foundation   The transaction covers a network of 26
        (USADF) and investor All On, the initiative   service stations, a portfolio of business   Libya’s first renewable
        aims to identify and scale innovative   customers and 50% in SAMCOL, the   energy IPP project gets
        solutions to improve access to electricity   logistics company previously jointly owned   underway
        in rural Nigeria. The winners are A1   by TotalEnergies and BP, which operates
        Power Technologies, Alabaster Agro-Allied   the Matola, Beira and Nacala fuel import   The first renewable energy project to be
        Industries, Bols N Sels Technologies, CeeSolar   terminals. These assets are complementary   built by an independent power producer
        Energy, Elvees Engineering, Enercity Smart   to TotalEnergies’ existing network of 57   (IPP) in Libya, is now entering its full
        Grid, First Electric, GreenPower Overseas,   service stations and current B2B business.   development phase. The project is being
        Manamuz Electric, Novel Integrated Services,   With this acquisition, TotalEnergies   undertaken by AG Energy, an IPP based in
        PowerStove Off-Grid Electricity, Sendavis   strengthens its position as the leading retailer   Dublin, Ireland. The facility, which will have
        Nigeria and Uwana Energy.            of petroleum products in the country.  a capacity of 200 MWp, will be located
                                                                                  in Ghadames, 650 km from the capital
        More support for Egypt’s green economy                                    Tripoli. The project will demonstrate the
                                                                                  effectiveness and value of renewable energy
        Scatec is preparing to issue a green bond to finance renewable energy in Egypt. The European   and could help the authorities attract more
        Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) is expected to provide €130 million if   private investment in renewable energy in
        approved on 23 February 2022. The proceeds of the green bond will be used to finance   Libya. The country currently uses fossil fuels
        Scatec’s portfolio of six solar power plants (380 MWp) in the Benban complex. Located in the   for electricity generation.
        governorate of Aswan, this mosaic of 41 solar photovoltaic plants (1650 MWp) was built by
        IPPs like Scatec, which also wants to diversify its sources of energy production in Egypt.
                                                                                  Namibian electricity storage
                                                                                  project to go ahead
        Another waste-to-energy              Poultry company to get
        plant approved                       solar micro-grid                     Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau (KfW), the
                                                                                  German development agency, has agreed
        A waste-to-energy plant in Zimbabwe   Chinese company Sungrow has entered into   a €20 million grant with the state-owned
        will provide electricity from waste to the   an agreement with Egyptian energy company   Namibia Power Corporation (NamPower)
        people of the town of KweKwe. The plant   KarmSolar for the installation of a solar   so that it can build a large-scale electricity
        will be located on a 50-ha site near the   micro-grid with storage to power the Cairo 3A   storage system in the Erongo region.
        municipality’s wastewater treatment plant   Poultry Company facility. Sungrow will provide   The state-owned company will focus on
        in Dutchman’s Pools. It follows a similar   a 2,576 MWp PV inverter and a 1 MW/3,957   connecting the future storage system to
        project in the city of Bulawayo which was   MWh electricity storage system, and the   Namibia’s national power grid from the
        approved in April 2021. That project by   facility is expected to be operational by May   Umburu substation, as well as paying local
        UK-based Pragma Leaf Consulting will   2022. The solar PV plant and its storage   fees and taxes not covered by the KfW
        process 325 tonnes of waste per day,   system will allow Cairo 3A Poultry to reduce   grant. NamPower’s project aims to stabilize
        generating between 78 000 and 110 000   the environmental footprint of its facilities.   its grid and, more importantly, provide a
        litres of diesel per day, 60 m3 of biogas   The company still relies on diesel generators   back-up solution in case of failures of existing
        and 11,35 MW of electricity.         for egg, chicken and feed production.   generation facilities.

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