Page 31 - Energize February 2022
P. 31
Green hydrogen provides answer to
many of SA’s decarbonisation prayers,
studies show
by Mariam Isa, independent journalist, and Chris Yelland, EE Business Intelligence
South Africa’s ailing economy could get a new lease on life if it creates the policy and investment framework to build the
infrastructure for large scale production of green hydrogen, a fuel seen as crucial in driving the world’s energy transition
to achieve net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050.
he country has abundant natural
resources and available land for the
Tprocess and is thus ideally positioned
to produce enough green hydrogen to
both decarbonise many of its own energy
intensive industries and to tap into rapidly
building global demand for the fuel,
according to research commissioned by the
European Union Delegation to South Africa.
Work has already begun in South
Africa to plan for green hydrogen hubs and
projects have been launched by local and
international companies, but so far, they
have just scratched the surface of what is Mariam Isa Chris Yelland
possible, a panel of experts told a webinar
hosted jointly by EE Business Intelligence more sustainable and inclusive greener economy,” she said.
and the EU Delegation to South Africa. Europe is at the centre of hydrogen development globally, accounting for more than half of
“The only way we can successfully get total investment of $500-billion into projects planned along the value chain through to 2030,
where we need to be is for people to have according to a report in July from the Hydrogen Council, a global CEO-led initiative working to
an optimistic outlook on their future. For develop the hydrogen economy.
that to happen, we need to mobilize funds, Seventy percent of the investment needed would be for renewable energy necessary for
but we also need to mobilize ideas,” EU “green” hydrogen. The money is expected to boost low-carbon hydrogen capacity to more than
Ambassador to South Africa Dr Riina Kionka 10-million tonnes per annum by 2030, an increase of more than 60% on project levels reported
said in her keynote address. in February, the report said.
The EU was fully on board with South Green hydrogen is produced using renewable electricity to split water into hydrogen and
Africa’s legitimate concerns about the oxygen using electrolysers and offers three times more energy per unit than fossil fuels. Green
decarbonisation of its economy, which was hydrogen and its derivatives can power mining vehicles, trucks, buses, trains, aircraft and
why the EU was committed to the US$8,5- maritime transport, and can be used to produce green steel, green fertiliser and other green
billion just energy transition pledge made chemicals.
jointly between South Africa and the EU, The surge in green hydrogen investment has been sparked by stricter carbon goals globally,
France, Germany, UK, USA as announced at with 90 countries, representing 80% of the world’s gross domestic product (GDP), now
COP26, she said. committed to net zero targets – most by 2050, and China and India by 2060.
“In all the doom and gloom surrounding Globally, the green hydrogen market is projected to grow nearly ten-fold from $444-million
the climate crisis and the dire economic in 2021 to $4373-million by 2026, according to a report released in September by Research and
situation in South Africa, there are reasons Markets, an online platform providing market and research data.
to celebrate, and congratulate South Africa Because of their limited capacity for generating renewable energy, many countries will
on its decision to take a lead in a green need to import hydrogen-based fuels in the future. A report from the World Energy Council
recovery from the devastation brought by predicted in October that EU member states will only produce half of what they need by 2050,
the pandemic and in charting a path to a with the rest imported from partner countries.
energize | February 2022 | 29