Page 14 - Energize April 2022
P. 14


           Vestas leaves competitors trailing as

           wind industry commissions 100 GW

           Global commissioning of wind turbines reached 99,2 GW in 2021,

           surging 161% year-on-year

                he wind industry posted        BNEF identified 55,8 GW of new     The UK will add more than 3 GW of
                another record for new       wind capacity commissioned in China   offshore wind for the first time this
           Tcommissioned capacity in         last year. Despite global commodities   year, while activity will also pick up in
           2021, as total additions fell just short   inflation and supply-chain chaos,   new market Taiwan.”
           of 100 GW for the second year in a   annual installations in China were only   The US remains the second largest
           row, according to a new report by   2 GW shy of the record set in 2020.  market for new wind build, adding
           research company BloombergNEF       The scheduled end to China’s       13 GW in 2021. Together with China,
           (BNEF).                           offshore wind feed-in tariff saw     it accounted for two-thirds of new
             BNEF’s 2021 Global Wind Turbine   developers install 14,2 GW of offshore   global wind capacity last year. Vietnam
           Market Shares report finds that   wind turbines, a threefold jump      broke into the top three global wind
           developers brought online some    (251%) year-on-year. China’s Shanghai   markets for the first time, bringing
           99,2 GW of wind turbines globally   Electric, Mingyang, Goldwind and   online 3,6 GW of onshore and near-
           in 2021, edging past the 98,5 GW   CSSC Haizhuang capitalised on this   shore wind farms.
           commissioned the previous year.   growth to take the top four spots in   “Policy continues to play a major
           While the majority was added on   BNEF’s offshore wind ranking. Siemens   role in driving the global wind market,
           land (83%), additions of new offshore   Gamesa, which had been top of the   as developers chase feed-in tariffs
           turbines rose to 16,8 GW – a 161%   rankings since 2017, slipped down to   where they’re still on offer,” said
           increase over 2020.               sixth place, just behind Vestas.     Edwards. “We saw an onshore wind
             Vestas regained its spot at the   “China dominated the offshore      boom in China and the US in 2020,
           top of the ranking, adding 15,2 GW   wind market as the industry yet   while last year the focus shifted to
           worldwide. This is a 3,2 GW lead on its   again showed what it can do when   China’s offshore market and Vietnam.”
           nearest competitor, Goldwind, which   subsidies are on the line,” said Oliver
           was in second place with 12 GW.   Metcalfe, head of wind research      Contact Veronika Henze,
           Siemens Gamesa took the third spot   at BloombergNEF. “As offshore     BloombergNEF,
           in the ranking. General Electric, the   installations drop off in China in 2022,,
           previous year’s leading turbine maker,   other markets are set to fill the gap.
           fell to fifth place as installations
           dropped 22% in its home market,
           the US. The figures draw on BNEF’s
           global database of wind projects
           and extensive information from the
             “A new era of wind build is truly
           under way – a second near-100 GW
           year represents a new status-quo for
           the industry,” said Isabelle Edwards,
           senior analyst at BloombergNEF
           and lead author of the report. “As
           governments worldwide set net-zero
           ambitions targeting wind build several
           multiples higher than today, the wind
           industry has proved it can deliver   Source: BloombergNEF. Notes: Total commissioned wind capacity in 2021 was 99,2 GW.
           sustained growth.”
                                          Figure 1: Top 10 global wind turbine makers, 2021

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