Page 10 - Energize April 2022
P. 10


        Bio-energy solutions: A better

        alternative for fossil fuels

             he power generation industry    independent power plants (IPPs). The IPPs play a prominent role in the generation of power
             around the globe has been       that is supplied to the grid or specific customers. For most IPPs, a feed-in tariff (FiT) or power
        Tundergoing a sweeping               purchase agreement (PPA) provides a long-term price guarantee.
        transformation over the last few years, and   Industrial waste generated from agriculture and forest produce based plants like the
        this phenomenon is expected to continue   rice mills, sugar mills and palm oil mills, along with wood waste from pulp and paper mills,
        in the coming years as well. The rapid   can be feasibly used as biomass to produce power for captive consumption. Through the
        depletion of fossil fuel reserves, combined   appropriate use of steam and increased use of non-bagasse (e.g., wood waste) fuel for
        with the environmental impact caused   power generation, the pulp and paper industry is continuously concentrating on improving
        by CO2 emissions, has pushed the world   its energy efficiency.
        to look for alternative sustainable energy   At present, process heat accounts for the co-generation of around 70% of biomass
        resources. This urge to find a suitable   power. While industrial process heating applications are powered by these heat sources
        substitute has resulted in changing energy   worldwide, they are being used for district heating in European countries.
        generation mix and prompted the shift   Steam turbine companies provide innovative solutions which use low-pressure steam
        from conventional energy sources (fossil   generated through an extraction turbine for heating applications, by producing both heat
        fuel-such as oil, gas and coal) to renewable   and electric power (CHP). The cost of power generated through this process is 14 to 15%
        energy sources.                      lower than the cost of power generated through independent power plants. Furthermore,
           There has been an increasing focus   the customer can get only electric power through IPPs.
        on replacing the existing coal-fired power   The power generated through CHPs is beneficial for the customer even in comparison
        plants with clean-fuel fired power plants   to solar energy, which is a renewable energy source, as the energy from the sun can be
        to reduce the carbon footprint worldwide.   used only during the daytime, whereas the power produced through CHPs can address the
        Renewable energy comprising non-     combined heat and power requirements of the plant 24/7.
        thermal (such as hydro, solar and wind)   The rapid increase in electricity consumption, and growing carbon emission levels, are
        and thermal energy sources can play a   creating the need for alternative energy solutions across the globe. Unleashing sustainable
        vital role in reducing carbon emissions.   power generation is possible by increasing the focus on electricity generation through
           The bio-energy industry, the      biomass energy sources that are cost-effective too, as they combine both heat and electricity.
        prime thermal energy source, turns
        unconventional feedstock into solid fuels   Case study1: Biomass based power plant in Turkey
        (biomass or wood pellets, sugarcane   Driven by a 16 MW condensing steam turbine with an inlet steam parameter of 42 Bar and
        residues and palm oil residues, etc.),   450°C with 0,1 Bar exhaust
        liquid biofuels (ethanol, etc.) and gaseous
        fuels (biogas, landfill gas). These fuels are
        then used to produce electricity, heat and
        transport fuels.
           According to an international report
        on solid biomass, at the beginning of 2020,
        there were around 4200 active biomass-
        based power plants worldwide, which had
        an installed power generation capacity
        of about 72,5 GW. The installed power
        generation potential through biomass-
        based power plants is expected to reach
        90,9 GW by the end of 2029, by adding
        around 1250 plants. This would take the
        combined total to 5450 plants.
           The endeavor to use locally available
        agricultural and forest residues has
        benefitted generating power closer to the
        point of consumption, which has enabled
        the establishment of biomass-based

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