Page 15 - Energize April 2022
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Africa should be a “global trail blazer”
on renewable energy
peaking at the recent Africa Energy Indaba in Cape Town, and visitors to the Indaba. He underscored the importance of energy
Mineral Resources and Energy Minister Gwede Mantashe security and the city’s plans to realise this as quickly and sustainably
Ssaid that Africa should be a global trail blazer on renewable as possible – especially as residents continued to suffer power
energy. This continent has all the minerals required, he said, to drive outages due to unreliable, unsustainable and unaffordable electricity.
meaningful development quickly. But to unleash this potential in our He stated that renewable energy sourced from Independent Power
energy resources we require international cooperation. Producers was at the core of Cape Town’s strategy in its quest to
We need programmes to enable economic exploitation, minimise the impact on climate change. In this respect Cape Town was
beneficiation and exportation. Investment in research and clearly a leading player in the national climate effort, Hill-Lewis said.
development, and technology, is an imperative if we are to grow, Participants made intensive use of the three-day conference to
develop and compete globally. National and continent-wide private advance future projects, share information and establish new and
financial and investment sectors must play a role in these initiatives, maintain existing networks. Speakers and luminaries from the energy
the minister added. landscape gathered to discuss, debate and pursue lasting solutions to
Referring to his vision of “the Africa we want”, Minister Mantashe enable adequate energy supply across the continent. Expert advice
said that Africa needs environmentally sustainable and climate- and insights were imparted concerning the opportunities available in
resilient economies and communities to succeed. He added that while the just transition to sustainable energy systems, with the expectation
delegates present were committed to the United Nations Convention of addressing the challenge of energy poverty.
on Climate Change and the Paris Agreement, individual African The conference covered highly relevant topics of energy policy
countries, with minimal resources, were suffering the devastating and the role of government, energy funding, green hydrogen, grid
consequences of climate change. technologies, renewable and cleaner energy, energy storage, energy
Mantashe said that we need to continuously share ideas on how for transport and energy efficiency. Further, the event served as
we can collectively accelerate Africa’s energy sector development to the ideal platform to not only unite the African energy sector but
be at the core of all socio-economic development, and of continental demonstrate cutting-edge innovation, thereby providing a stage
growth and development. Africa must define its own just energy for knowledge transfer and business opportunities for industry
transition to empower and enable the continent to grow, he added. stakeholders.
Africa Energy Indaba 2022 was packed with invaluable insights Hosting world-class industry organisations, the energy exhibition
and opinions which could shape the future of the continent’s energy demonstrated its commitment to providing the solutions Africa
landscape. The event was hosted as a hybrid event in Cape Town from requires to meet its growing energy demands. The exhibition proved
1 to 3 March and comprised a physical in-person exhibition under especially valuable to enterprises wishing to showcase solutions for
Covid-19 conditions and a virtual conference. the benefit of Africa. Moreover, because of the hybrid functionality,
The Africa Energy Indaba enabled a vast number of attendees, exhibitors were presented with the opportunity to promote their
both in-person and virtually, to assemble, learn, network and companies to business counterparts, global investors, buyers and
exchange insights pertaining to the dynamic realm of the African governments worldwide.
energy sector. For the first time since 2020, the energy sector The event fostered essential communication among energy
came together to attend this most notable African event and the stakeholders, providing them with access to relevant networks.
exhilaration over the reunion was palpable. Furthermore, attendees were not only exposed to industry trends
Cape Town’s mayor, Geordin Hill-Lewis, representing the host and emerging technologies, but also content and ideas which will
city partner of the event, welcomed speakers, delegates, exhibitors ultimately empower individuals and energy enterprises to thrive in
this intensely competitive sector.
The next Africa Energy Indaba is scheduled to be held from 7 to
9 March 2023. Its theme will be “African energy transitioning to a
sustainable and prosperous future”
Click here for more information on next year’s Indaba
Contact Qondakuhle Dwangu,
Mayor Geordin Hill-Lewis and Minister Gwede Mantashe Website:
energize | April 2022 | 13