Page 7 - Energize April 2022
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the market place. These strategies resulted – which are ‘shovel ready’ and could President Ramaphosa recently
in low-cost, high-quality products, product come online over the next 36 months announced that further amendments
and service differentiation and a storage to alleviate existing generation capacity to the Electricity Act would put an end
value strategy. constraints at Eskom and bring some to Eskom’s energy monopoly and would
stability to the grid. allow independent power producers
New opportunities looming Following the recent amendments to enter the energy market. This will
Failed ventures in the past severely to Schedule 2 of the Electricity Act, enable the renewable energy sector to
constrained the construction industry’s which shifted the licence-free threshold experience significant growth for many
execution capacity as on-going business. of embedded generation 1 to 100 MW, years to come.
Nonetheless, the inescapable reality the mining sector has announced plans
is that a just energy transition must for about 4000 MW of electricity from Roshqott remains open for
continue in order to limit the potential solar and/or wind parks to come on- business
economic damage of the country’s stream within the next three years. This Increasingly, ‘green’ stimulus packages
current energy crisis, and to deliver on privately-owned embedded generation which harness the opportunities
the promise of carbon and fossil fuel-free will alleviate the impact of load shedding, presented by renewable energy
energy financed by private investors. which creates havoc with mining technologies are being promoted by
Government and Eskom have production targets, particularly at a time both private and public institutions in the
reported on a large pipeline of mature when the commodity sector is booming, country.
projects – in the order of 10 000 MW and commodity prices are high. Roshqott has successfully
concluded new green projects for the
design, engineering, construction and
commissioning of new substation and
overhead line upgrades for a new 60 MW
solar park in Gauteng; as well as for the
design, engineering, construction and
commissioning of new substation and
overhead line upgrades for a new 88/22
kV 50 MW supply to one of Africa’s largest
new data centres.
Roshqott is going to market with a
newly created special purpose vehicle
company (SPV): Roshqott Renewable
Energies. This newly registered
engineering franchise company was
established to procure, engineer, project-
manage and roll out renewable energy
projects and infrastructure. The required
technical, production and commercial
resources, finance, plant and equipment
will be aggregated from the participating
It is envisaged that Roshqott and
its partner(s), in a joint venture with
other service providers, will also provide
independent power producers with asset
management and maintenance services in
return for a contractual payment stream.
The SPV will be funded by experienced
equity investors as well as by commercial
debt providers.
Contact Rui Marques, Roshqott,
Phone 082 553-3670,,
energize | April 2022 | 5