Page 36 - Energize June 2022
P. 36
The state of smart home adoption in SA
by Dr Andrew Dickson, CBI-electric: low voltage
outh Africa lags behind the world in smart home ownership, with a 23% gap between
South African and global consumers when it comes to embracing the use of internet-
Sconnected devices to enable the remote monitoring and management of appliances
and systems. 1
“While there are some understandable barriers to smart home adoption in South Africa,
opportunities also exist for smart home proliferation,” says Dr Andrew Dickson, Executive:
Engineering at CBI-electric: low voltage.
He notes that one of the critical hindrances is internet accessibility. According to the
latest Digital Quality of Life survey, which ranks countries based on five pillars - internet
affordability, internet quality, e-infrastructure, e-security, and e-government - South
Africa placed 68th out of 110 countries. “While we took the 26th spot for affordability, we
didn’t perform as well on internet quality where we ranked 57th and 87th for electronic
infrastructure – both of which are essential for effective use of smart home technology.”
However, he says there is hope. “Earlier this year, the Minister of Communications and
Digital Technologies, Khumbudzo Ntshavheni, stated that every South African will be given
access to the internet as a core utility. During her State of the Nation debate, she shared
that ‘data has become a new utility, like water and electricity, that our home needs. At some
point, a South African household, whether they are rich or poor, will be given access to 10
GB per month, because that is what the government will deliver’.” enormous cash outlays; homeowners
Another hurdle Dr Dickson has observed, locally and globally, is mistrust of smart home themselves will need to be smart in
tech. Surveys conducted amongst consumers in Australia, Canada, France, Japan, the UK how they go about doing so, such as by
and the US, have found that many are sceptical about consumer Internet of Things devices installing one smart device at a time and
which include smart home technologies. For example, 63% of people surveyed said they find focussing on energy intensive appliances
connected devices ‘creepy’ in the way they collect data about people and their behaviour, or security areas first.”
while 28% stated they will not own a smart device due to security concerns. 2 Despite the obstacles, Dickson believes
“If these are the attitudes of consumers in more developed countries where smart that current market conditions, like the
devices are more pervasive and more advanced, one need only imagine the perceptions of accelerated digital adoption rate, will
the local market. Education around the capabilities and safety elements of these devices is enable increased smart home device
clearly lacking and will be crucial for putting consumers’ minds at ease and expanding the implementation: “Since the Covid-19
South African smart home market.” pandemic struck, homes have been turned
Cost is an additional concern. “The most recent BankservAfrica Take-home Pay Index has into digital hubs for work, study and
revealed that the average South African real take-home salary is R16 022, which makes it entertainment. Smart homes are a natural
all the more difficult for South Africans to adopt smart home technology, especially when it evolution.”
comes to devices from overseas. That said, there are several locally developed products that He concludes by saying, “As more
are available at a more affordable rate. Plus, there are ways to make homes smarter without South Africans become aware of the
benefits smart home devices offer, such
as monitoring and managing electricity
consumption, as well as providing
appliances with some protection in the
event of load shedding surges, the adoption
rate will increase in the country. Simply put,
smart is the way for homes of the future.”
1. Click here for Reference 1
2. Click here for Reference 2
Contact CBi-electric, Phone 011 928-2000,,
energize | June 2022 | 34