Page 66 - Energize June 2022
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        Tuneable LED technology
        There are several types of tunable LED

        Single chip Tuneable LEDs
        In this version, a number of white LEDs of
        different CCT are mounted in a single chip,
        giving a cohesive source of light.

        Tunable white strips
        This is a very basic version which uses                                   Figure 10: Tuneable LED striplighting (MSSled)
        separate cool white and warm white LEDs
        mounted close together in a strip format.
        Individual controls are used for each field.
        The two LEDS are typically cool white and
        warm white.

        Tunable white panels
        These consist of a cluster of LEDs mounted
        in a flat panel structure. There are wide
        variety of flat panel and other light fitting
        structures available on the market. Most   Figure 9: Single chip tuneable LEDs (Lumitronix)  Figure 11: Tuneable LED panel lighting (Helvar)
        are paired with controllers designed for the
        specific fixture.

        Residential tuneable LED fittings
        In addition to strip lighting and other
        area lighting systems, individual tuneable
        luminaires, which plug into a standard
        light fitting, and where the control circuit
        is integrated into the lamp structure, are
        available. Control is by radio or Wi-Fi via
        a hand or surface mount control, or by
        a smartphone App. Controls allow both
        dimming and colour change.

        Energy efficiency and tuneable
        Implementing tuneable lighting to improve
        wellness and productivity may have an energy
        trade-off. The Pacific Northwest National
        Laboratory (PNNL) performed a study at a   Figure 12: Plug in tuneable lights (GE)
        Seattle hospital  and found that approaching
        lighting with goals to improve circadian and   References
        other biological and behavioral functions   1. The well building standard:
        leads to higher energy costs, because the   2. K Houser: “Human-Centric Lighting: Foundational Considerations and a Five-Step Design Process”,
        lighting systems that do so often require
        higher illuminances. The bottom line is that   3. Nichia: “How to control the luminous intensity of LEDs”, Nichia application note SP-QR-C2-210734-1
        if a lighting system goes from a high colour   4. S Keeping: “Defining the colour characteristics of white LEDs”
        temperature to a lower colour temperature,   defining-the-color-characteristics-of-white-leds
        the energy efficiency goes down somewhat.   5. US DoE: “Understanding LED color-tuneable products”
        Fortunately, today’s blue LEDs and phosphors   understanding-led-color-tunable-products
        have become so energy-efficient that most   6. J Feit: “Facts and fiction of tuneable lighting”, Buildings, 3 April 2018.
        people don’t worry about the energy impacts
        of colour tuneable lighting. 6       Send your comments to

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