Page 62 - Energize June 2022
P. 62


        What is ‘human centric’ lighting?

        As LED technology matures, standardisation of energy-saving levels and environmental requirements
        has developed. The rise of smart lighting has also raised the standard requirements of lighting.
        Emphasising the energy-saving aspect of lighting has perhaps resulted in the neglect of lighting

        products’ quality, and the impact on humans in illuminated environments.

                                                  BY MIKE RYCROFT, ENERGIZE

                hile building standards are becoming increasingly environmentally aware, the   affects occupant wellbeing, productivity
                quantification of the ‘wellness’ of a building from the point of view of its occupants, is   and comfort in the built environment.
        Wa relatively new pursuit. The “Well Building Standard”  includes illumination guidelines   Human-centric lighting design considers
        which are explicitly ‘aimed to minimise disruption to the body’s circadian system, enhance   many different factors including circadian
        productivity, support good sleep quality and provide appropriate visual acuity where needed’.  rhythms, productivity, energy savings,
           The evolution of efficient light sources has made open-plan office buildings cost effective,   emotional well-being and functional light
        where lighting levels, energy efficiency and glare control have been the key design parameters.   quality. The vast array of modern light
        These parameters have been optimised and harmonised to evolve towards the perfect office   options available makes creating a healthful
        luminaire, which is often installed in a standard grid to provide illumination of the open-plan   space easier than ever.
        office where glare is controlled, and the space is softly lit.              HCL generally describes the use of
           However, this can create a flat, visually undefined and unstimulating office which may not fit   artificial lighting sources, to create visual
        well with the shifting philosophy of ‘agile’ working. Although the open-plan workspace filled with   environments that mimic the natural
        desks is still the most common, another series of spaces has emerged to accommodate different   daylight that drives – and can interfere
        tasks and the varying needs of workers, including meeting and conference rooms, team areas and   with – the human body’s daily circadian
        other spaces.                                                             cycle through colour temperatures and
           This has led to the rise and development of “human centric lighting” which focuses on the   illuminance levels; HCL can simulate the
        effect of light colour and intensity on humans in different environments, and at different times of   course of natural daylight in such a way that
        the day. The development of LEDs has made advances in lighting that not only allow the level of   it provides positive support for the human
        lighting to change, but the spectrum as well.                             circadian rhythm.

        Human centric lighting (HCL)                                              Circadian rhythm
        Human centric lighting is the art of creating lighting that mimics the natural daylight which   Also known as our sleep/wake cycle,
        drives our bodily functions. The most obvious effect of light on humans, is vision. It enables us   circadian rhythm is a 24-hour internal ‘clock’
        to identify brightness, shapes, colours, images, and perceive information and contrast. But light   which is running in the background of the
        also impacts our biology; it affects our hormones, alertness, attention and fatigue, and also   human brain and cycles between sleepiness
        determines our body clock and circadian rhythm.                           and alertness at regular intervals.
           Human centric lighting takes these effects into consideration to provide a holistic and   Figure 2 depicts the typical circadian
        application-oriented approach to lighting for humans. It balances visual, emotional and biological   pattern of a person. Although circadian
        needs of humans in lighting application. While some definitions focus only on circadian rhythm,   rhythms tend to be synchronized with cycles
        others focus on daylighting or the user experience. A comprehensive definition of this technology   of light and dark, other factors such as
        needs to encompass all of these things. Human-centric lighting needs to take in all aspects of how   ambient temperature, lack of sunlight and
        the lighting system affects people.                                       stress can influence the rhythm as well. In
           Human-centric lighting, then, is a holistic approach that includes all aspects of how lighting   essence, the circadian rhythm is the body’s
                                                                                  clock. The body naturally knows when to
                                                                                  wake up and when to sleep. At all times
                                                                                  of the day, the body is supposed to have
                                                                                  a natural rhythm that guides alertness,
                                                                                  sleeping and eating patterns. Studies of
                                                                                  the circadian rhythm have shown that the
                                                                                  intensity, timing, duration and wavelength
                                                                                  of light can affect the biological clock of
        Figure 1: Natural daylight cycle for a clear sky (LEDdynamics)            humans.

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