Page 38 - Energize July 2022
P. 38

Power developments in Africa

        Compiled by Roger Lilley, Now Media

        PV plant online, energy storage coming                                 Hydropower plants for Africa
        State-owned Namibia Power Corporation (NamPower) has announced the commissioning of   Three investors are joining forces to develop
        its 20 MWp Omburu solar PV plant. The Omburu solar power plant cost N$317 million, more   African hydropower projects. British
        than US$20 million, to build. NamPower also plans to install a 58 MW / 72 MWh battery   International Investment, Norwegian Investment
        storage system to Namibia’s national power grid from the Umburu substation. This project is   Fund for Developing Countries (NORFUND)
        supported by the German development agency Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau (KfW), which   and Scatec, a Norwegian independent power
        is providing €20 million in funding. NamPower is expected to contribute 20% of the total cost   producer, will work together on a significant
        of the storage project.                                                portfolio of hydropower projects (HPP) under
                                                                               development in sub-Saharan Africa. These
        Green bonds fund solar home          Kenya joins EV club               include the 350 MW Mpatamanga, the 144
                                                                               Ruzizi III and the Volobé hydropower plants.
                                             KenGen, Kenya’s electricity generating   Hydropower is essential for providing clean
        Sun King has secured further funding for the   company, is about to start installing   baseload and peak power, particularly in
        distribution of its solar home systems in sub-  charging stations for electric vehicles (EVs)   landlocked Africa, as countries across the
        Saharan Africa and Asia. Sun King (formerly   in Nairobi. The facility will provide power   continent transition away from fossil fuels to a
        Greenlight Planet) distributes its electricity   to recharge at least 50 000 electric buses   carbon-neutral future.
        access solutions primarily in rural areas. The   and two million electric motorcycles.
        company supplies systems consisting of solar   KenGen’s managing director, Rebecca   Financing renewable energy in
        panels, batteries for electricity storage and   Miano, says that electric vehicles, which   Africa
        energy-saving LED lamps. These solar home   do not rely on diesel or petrol, are key in   Investment firm Harith General Partners is
        systems also have charging stations for mobile   reducing pollution in the capital. KenGen   joining forces with power producer Anergi
        phones, radios and even TVs. The company is   recently commissioned Unit 6 of the   to launch a new financing mechanism for
        raising US$17 million through two green bonds   83,3 MW Olkaria geothermal power plant   renewable energy in Africa. The Pan African
        issued by Symbiotics, an emerging market   which contributes to the diversification of   Renewable Energy Fund (PAREF) will be
        access platform based in Geneva, Switzerland.   the country’s electricity mix.  capitalised at US$300 million. According to
                                                                                Anergi, PAREF’s investments will accelerate the
        Partnership for clean power                                             delivery of renewable energy projects on the
                                                                                continent through “innovative” development
        A new partnership involving the Opec Fund for International Development (OFID), the United
        Nations Capital Development Fund (UNCDF) and the Sustainable Energy for All Initiative   and financing mechanisms for greenfield
        (SEforALL), is being formed to accelerate access to renewable energy in Africa. The centre will be   projects or those already occupied by previous
        launched at COP27 in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt, in November 2022. The promoters of this centre   investments. PAREF seeks to convert carbon
        want to foster the implementation of new partnerships and financing mechanisms, including an   dioxide intensive electricity supply sources into
        energy access and transition trust fund to accelerate the deployment of available solutions.  cleaner options and accelerate the adoption of
                                                                                value-added electricity generation and storage
        Wind to power desalination           Another solar plant planned
        plant                                                                  Microgrids to power millions
                                             Namibian company Alpha Namibia
        The Moroccan government plans to build a   Industries Renewable Power (ANIREP) is   Electricity access provider Husk Power’s Sunshot
        seawater desalination plant near the city of   to build a 18,5 MW solar PV plant in the   programme is expected to provide access to
        Dakhla in Western Sahara. The project will   country’s Karas province. The area already   clean electricity to 2 million Nigerians over
        be implemented through a public-private   hosts several renewable energy plants,   the next four years. The company will deploy
        partnership (PPP) with the joint venture   under construction or operation. The   500 solar-powered microgrids with battery
        Dakhla Water & Energy Company (DAWEC).   independent power producer (IPP) has been   storage systems connected to small distribution
        The future desalination plant will be able to   appointed as the preferred bidder for the   networks. These could connect as many as
        supply 37 million m3 of drinking water per   construction and operation of the solar PV   400 000 households to an electricity grid. They
        year. In accordance with agreements signed   plant, which is to be located in Kokerboom,   could also provide clean electricity to 8000
        with the Moroccan government, DAWEC   in the municipality of Keetmanshoop.   businesses, 700 public clinics, 200 private
        will power its desalination plant with wind   ANIREP says it will invest N$300 million   hospitals and 100 public schools and help
        energy via a wind farm connected to the   (over US$19 million) in the construction of   replace 25 000 diesel generators. Over 90 million
        electricity grid.                    the Kokerboom solar power plant.   Nigerians still live without access to electricity.

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